Author Topic: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That  (Read 46858 times)

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Offline Brandon Sterkel

Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #75 on: Oct 25, 2016, 03:07 AM »
Thanks Louis for the photos, but really sad to see the davits in piles on the dockside.
They shouldn't have been removed from the ship.
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Offline Rod

Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #76 on: Oct 25, 2016, 12:37 PM »
Not only davits but pontoons.

Offline June Ingram

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Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #77 on: Oct 25, 2016, 01:23 PM »
Thanks again, Louis, for posting these photos. Do you know if any of the parts that have been removed have been taken away ?
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Offline pete cain

Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #78 on: Oct 25, 2016, 07:01 PM »
Pearls to swine

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Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #79 on: Oct 26, 2016, 10:03 AM »
First the engines, now the lifeboats and davits...

Very sad that since 2012, her Dubai owners have done nothing else than to ruin and flaw her.

Offline June Ingram

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Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #80 on: Oct 26, 2016, 05:31 PM »
In agreement !   :'(
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Offline cunardqueen

Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #81 on: Oct 26, 2016, 09:24 PM »
It seems clear that no one is either willing or able to say what the future is for QE2... or what plans "they" (who ever they might be these days) have ... And we in the meantime are being led up the garden path l fear. Just my thoughts

Very sad that since 2012, her Dubai owners have done nothing else than to ruin and flaw her.   
Or is it like plastic surgery, you need in inflict damge to make the creature more beautiful and the only person who can see that is the surgeon  ???
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Offline ChrisUK

Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #82 on: Oct 27, 2016, 01:47 PM »
As unthinkable as it may be.... do you suppose we may all still be pondering what they will do with her in decades to come, like the Big U?

Online Peter Mugridge

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Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #83 on: Oct 27, 2016, 06:53 PM »
As unthinkable as it may be.... do you suppose we may all still be pondering what they will do with her in decades to come, like the Big U?

Hmmm... she hasn't got her lifeboats or davits either has she?
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Offline pete cain

Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #84 on: Oct 27, 2016, 07:47 PM »
Or her engines, her life, it's all gone, just a facsimilie, a pastiche. Maybe that's all they wanted, had the money & time to wait, but we're still here!"

Offline June Ingram

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Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #85 on: Oct 28, 2016, 02:20 PM »
Thanks, Louis, for posting these photos.  Any idea why all of the parts are in a heap and have not been taken away ?
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Offline Peter Sutton

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Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #86 on: Oct 29, 2016, 01:51 PM »
 :(I have only just read about her lifeboats being removed , now that could be good in one respect she will not be going anywhere soon unless they put some back on board , how many crew does it take to sail her approx 50 to 100 under herb own power ? then how many to tow her 30 to 50 ? but they still need life boats OR can they claim rafts as lifeboats? either way she is not going any were soon , but sad to see her being dismembered bit by bit with no reason given , why all the secrets? are they playing for time , ten years is not far away now and the silence is deafening , this is no way for this lady and all the history to go, I for one was totally gutted to see her just left to the vultures picking at her , the people at CUNARD should be looking at themselves , I know this is business and its all about money but no one else was given a chance to save her , as they say money talks or does it? offers have been made over and above scrap value so I believe ,yet that was never given a look at , is this a bluff to think something good to keep her is going ahead i.e. hotel or just show , or have I missed something in the news that I did not see due to getting new glasses. she is still my other woman in my life and always will be  :-\

Offline cunardqueen

Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #87 on: Oct 29, 2016, 08:53 PM »
   the people at CUNARD should be looking at themselves   

Alas they are only looking after those that really matter uppermost in the eyes of the company, While those of us who wear rose coloured glasses still expect it to be the passengers or l believe the term is now guests. but the reality is the Shareholders. Not one ounce of thought is given to anything other than the shareholders. Passion pride and even history, tossed aside like a discarded childs toy....   ::)

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Offline Peter Sutton

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Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #88 on: Nov 01, 2016, 05:57 PM »
You are so right with what you say, but one can wish and hope , I keep reading the word ,Engines, what has happened to them? again have I missed something , I am that busy building my own QE2 that I don't catch up to date reports , is it that they have not been run for some years now or (I don't want to ask really )have they started to dismantle them ?can you update me please? , I am now getting the idea (I hope I am wrong) but she is now in a bad position , it seams all the basic requirements for sea have been taken away from her at this time unless they are going to replace them at a latter date( cost would be against that I would think) its so sad :'(

Offline Roy Warrender

Re: Lifeboats/Davits Removal 2016 and Discussion After That
« Reply #89 on: Nov 01, 2016, 10:34 PM »
Hi Peter 
I belive  the Ukrainian crew tried to start a couple of the engines and damaged them in the process, I am not aware who gave the instructions or why