Hi Peter,
Lovely to hear from you.. maybe you can put up some photos.. I remember so many names, far too many to list.. eveeryone loved looking after us lot.. as you say, never ever went to breakfast think I only made it once after a party in the three years.
Could'nt tell you what lunch was all about.. I know some of the slot techs used to go (boring)... but you guys were always such a laugh and of course you all had the added bonus of being invited to our parties, funnily enough everytime I went on I always had 5054 or 5052...you will have to give me some names you worked with.. and I am sure I will know them.
Happy crazy days...and some of the people I met on there are still my friends today..
I always remember our parties they were madness, you would have everyone and anyone.. I've got some great photos of some very wealthy passengers at our parties who got very drunk (surprised for casino parties - I bet !) and don't ask how or why ended up wearing our casino dresses and shower caps.. just anything happened... bodies always everywhere..but all just harmless good fun, special, special people on a very special ship that will always hold a big place in my heart...
I stayed in Casinos up until about ten years ago..did very well and worked in many countries.. what about you ?
Lovely to catch up