Forcing people to have vaccines is frowned upon by many...
It is, And if you don't have it, You don't travel.
However, Kudos to Morrisons supermarket for insisting masks be worn in the store, and those with a medical condition l believe. are asked to prove they are exempt There is far too much of this attitude "im not wearing a mask and l l wont "
A close friend works in a major supermarket, every day she has horror stories of dealing with the public. The staff are not allowed to question or refuse service to the public. The public by and large these days never hear the word NO, And its about time they were told No to somethings. The attitude of Management is profits profits profits, and if you are not happy , the vacant position will be filled right away. Shocking, Hard to believe and quite insulting, But alas its the truth. Of course management will deny this . I'm all for everyone having the vaccine required in these times. I do however think that only having opening times from 8am to 8pm is pretty lame. If the Government are so concerned it should be made available 6am to midnight and stagger the times, at least they are planning on having the various sites open Seven days a week.
When the curfew was on l went into work one night at 11pm just before Christmas to find people still in the bar. The staff and a member of Management were tying to get them out. l had no hesitation whatso ever in going through the bar are removing full glasses of alcohol from customers who l knew, then l closed the bar shutters , and told eveyone Please leave right now. Thankyou ,Good Night and Merry Christmas and dimmed the lights there were shouts of oh one more drink, of dont be so hard. l got the two members of staff and all l asked was they collect three glasses and away they go home. People just didn't believe it was the law and we are required to shut. I received a few comments that oh im phoning your boss about this, My reply, Please go ahead but leave NOW . The public at times just do not get it. Its really quite infuriating and if truth be told pretty sad !
I fully support and wish that all bars were closed during this pandemic, l have no sympathy for the bleating masses that oh need a pint for social circumstances. Alcohol and social distancing just does not work, Dealing with drunks is never easy and right now when pubs are having rules changed frequently only makes the job harder. And scenes outsides pubs at closing times with the masses is just sickening.