Author Topic: Queen Mary 2 Southampton - Weymouth journeys  (Read 1233 times)

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Offline Myles Chantler

Queen Mary 2 Southampton - Weymouth journeys
« on: May 30, 2020, 03:17 PM »
I was wondering if anyone was keeping details of the arrival and departure movements the QM2 is making in / out of Southampton and Weymouth Bay during the lockdown and if so, could I have the details please?

I moved house in early April and have had no internet until today, and with phone 4G being rubbish, I missed her movements.

I know the following and I'm assuming given the close proximity of the two locations that she arrives / departs the same day? Could anyone fill in the blanks please?

arrived S from Australia 15thApr20
arrived S from Weymouth 2ndMay20
arrived S from Weymouth and left for Weymouth 7thMay20
as above 15thMay20
as above 22ndMay20
as above 29thMay20


Online Andy Holloway

Re: Queen Mary 2 Southampton - Weymouth journeys
« Reply #1 on: Sep 03, 2020, 11:26 PM »
My daughter travelled up from Cornwall on the train this evening and spotted QM2 anchored off Teighnmouth on her latest 'cruise to nowhere' entitled 'A Grand Tour of  South Coast Anchorages' !