Author Topic: Returning to Southampton early  (Read 1175 times)

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Offline Myles Chantler

Returning to Southampton early
« on: Mar 16, 2020, 09:03 PM »
With the announcement that the QM2 will be finishing its World Cruise early and returning to Southampton, how far did she get on her cruise i.e what was her last port before heading back. What day she arrive and depart this port and what day is she due back in Southampton? Finally were there any ports she left out of the cruise before it's cancellation?

Online Thomas Hypher

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Re: Returning to Southampton early
« Reply #1 on: Mar 16, 2020, 09:34 PM »
I will answer as best as I can, given not all the questions have answers yet.

QM2 finished her World Cruise early in Fremantle/Perth and it is not known when exactly she will arrive back in Southampton. Her next port of call appears to be Port Louis, Mauritius according to MarineTraffic but I would take that with a grain of salt given the uncertainty and that the likes of MarineTraffic are not always correct. She left Fremantle at around 19:30 local time last night (roughly cross checked with information given out by Chris Frame).

QM2 gave Far East Asia a wide berth and substituted her original Far East Asia itinerary with one based around Australia including visiting Sydney and Adelaide among around 6 or so ports I seem to recall reading.
First sailed on QE2 in August 2003 aged 6 years old. Last sailed on QE2 in July 2008. Last saw the seagoing QE2 in person from the decks of QM2, on QE2's last Transatlantic crossing (Eastbound tandem) in October 2008. Visited QE2 in her new life, in Dubai, in January 2020 and August 2022.