Interesting article worth reading, especially about other issues, such as pollution the cruising industry is responsible for and the working conditions for crew.
However, it is not just the cruise industry that will be under threat, but the whole tourism industry. We are already reading about remote areas having signs posted for tourists to stay away and not spread the virus.
Seeing cities that are normally tourist hotspots now empty because of the current Covid-19 lockdown, gives us food for thought about the protests that have been made about the number of tourists visiting cities (throughout the world). Locals complain that apartments are being purchased and rented out instead of being available for local to purchase. In Edinburgh, it is busy to saturation point, not just at festival time but for most of the year.
We enjoy our cruises/holidays - it may take time for the tourism industry to recover and perhaps it is the time to reconsider what benefits cruising companies give to the places they visit, the conditions on cruise ships and the hygiene of passengers e.g. sneezing into your hand is not acceptable.