Its was indeed Ms CM
I rather fear she wont listen to us diehards, we are but only numbers on a sheet,who live in the past, and were perfectly happy to sail on a 40 year old ship, and really she wasnt old, just lived in, the walls could tell stories (lm glad they dont) she had class built into her and an atmosphere all her own, we happen to like the quirky layout, the odd staircases, the "welcome home" on boarding (the QE2 crew actually notice the little world club badges) the crew seem to remember what you want and how you like it,.the teak decks, not some plastic sheeting passed off as such, mindyou it makes for easy cleaning l suppose, the vomit that errupts crossing the bay just slides off.
They resent us for all that, When in reality they want new blood to sail on the new modern ships and enjoy the hyped up Cunard whitestar service that is rammed down our throats,heck as soon as you board QE2 you were shown to your cabin, on these new ones they just tell you where to go and thats only the start.
Book early and save, Nope its book early and be screwed by Carnival, how often have we booked a voyage then the price is dropped then you hear of the newbies at checkin whose cabin numbers have changed (err its called an upgrade dear) and while we are here, it is a her and she is a ship not a boat
Of course the upgrade fairy is there in mind and body and with a great big marker pen marking at random the passenger list and those lucky to get hit are bumped up, loyal but mostly not.
A dear friend of mine sailed over 40 times on QE2, including 2 world cruises and never once was upgraded, ok we know its not an entitlement, but she always knew that once onboard she was eating with the crew
such is the dedication of the old world QE2 crew
Perhaps the loyal band of QE2 pax are a dying breed who do live in the past, but we are quite happy there, and we know exactly what we are getting, the odd burst pipe or two didnt spoil the voyage, or no cold water in the cabin (1987) it only made us laugh, did we want to sue Cunard for such things that left others traumatised and vowing never to sail Cunard again.. Nope it sure as heck didnt and l for one am not quite ready to be dragged kicking and screaming onto these new Queen ships, where service is standard, the walls are plastic (to match the deck) and horror of horror they call you a guest, damit l paid my fare l
was am a QE2 passenger
not a Carnival guest.. and proud of it
anyway l fear lm way of topic here (or perhaps all at sea)
Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I was stood out in the freezing cold early that morning to watch your return to Southampton!
It does !! bet you were pleased to see the old Queen again.....