Well Waverley is now back on her home river - a short break until the Clyde season starts Friday 22nd June although I cant help thinking they've missed a trick by not getting her out on short cruises just now given the weather we're having here on the Clyde just now!
Her Western Isles sailings appear to have been well patronised and with little or no disruption due to weather or otherwise!
A couple of shots attached:
(1) About to go under the Skye Bridge heading for Kyle of Lochalsh (G Alexander)
(2) Rounding Cloch Point, River Clyde on her return to the river last Tuesday night (J Huggins)
In the second shot you will notice she is flying a number of flags.
a) At the bow on her jackstaff is the Pilot Jack - which is basically a white bordered Union Flag.
b) Top of the foremast is her name pennant
c) Atop the bridge is her pilot exemption flag and the MacBraynes House Flag - David MacBrayne was the steamer company serving the Western Isles until they were merged with Caledonian Steam Packet Co in 1973 to become Caledonian MacBrayne - the company who gifted Waverley to the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society less than a year later.
Waverley only ever flies this flag on her Western Isles sailings when shes in "MacBraynes territory"
d) Main Mast - at the top is the house flag of Waverley Steam Navigation Co - the company set up in 1974 to own the vessel on behalf of the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society. Mid way down the mast is the house flag of SGV (Schiffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstattersees) - the company who run the paddle steamer fleet on Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. There has been a close relationship between to the two companies over the years and Waverley has flown this flag on many occasions during her Western Isles programmes.
SGVe) Finally at her stern flies the Red Ensign or "duster" - the flag proudly flown by a British merchant cargo or passenger vessel since 1707.
So - a good start to her season but much remains. Heres hoping that the weather is kind and she remains free from the mechanical issues which have blighted the last few seasons. I still hear the phrase " why has she so many tech issues?" Remember folks the first phase of her heritage refurb was completed in 2000 and the final phase in 2003, 18 and 15 years ago respectively AND the main parts of her are still vintage 1946!!