Waverley is currently berthed at Kyle of Lochalsh pier having sailed to Oban from Glasgow on Tuesday and then onwards to Kyle yesterday. She will be sailing from Kyle for the next two days calling at Rassay and Portree, Isle of Skye.
The Glasgow - Oban sailing is unique in it being the longest excursion sailing Waverley undertakes during her season - due to passenger certificate restrictions she cannot carry passengers on her other "positioning runs" between sailing areas (Merseyside, Bristol Channel, South Coast, Thames) - I have taken this sailing 5 times and in the right weather it is glorius - its a long day but worth it! After leaving Glasgow at 0700 she calls at Greenock, Campbeltown and Colonsay before arriving at Oban North Pier at 2030.
A few shots from James Ross and Ronnie Brown taken during that day.
(1) Heading downriver with Dumbarton Rock approaching on the starboard side. Water is like a mill pond!
(2) Exiting the Tan Channel - which is the stretch of water between Large and Small Cumbrae, River Clyde.
(3) Leaving the Sound of Islay behind heading for Colonsay.
(4) Stern view of her alongside at Colonsay with The Paps of Jura in the background.
(5) Taking a well earned rest in a beautiful Western Isles sunset - Oban North Pier.
(6) A busy Oban Bay the following morning:
Waverley at North Pier - right in shot
Coll, Tiree and Barra ferry mv Clansman centre shot
Isle of Mull ferry mv Isle of Mull left in shot
Isle of Lismore ferry mv Loch Striven heading for her berth astern of Isle of Mull left in shot.
The Western Isles sailings are truly unique these days - these sailings are not offered by any other vessel in 2018. Balmoral undertook a similar programme during July last year but sadly she is unable to sail this year due to a funding shortfall - fingers crossed for 2019!
In the meantime I hope you enjoy these photos - if not of the ship (why not??

) but of the scenery!
I have many pictures from the four times I have joined the ship for these 10 day sojourns - the programme has changed since I was last on (she used to head to Oban on a Friday and do the Skye sailings through the week) but these waters will always be amongst the most beautiful I have ever had the privilege to sail on!