Thank you for posting the general arrangement plans here, Michael! I saw these yesterday during Richard De Kerbrech's and David Williams's talk on liners and cruise ships that never were at the OLS Ship Show (an expanded version of the same talk they gave during the Liner's Study Day back in March at Seacity museum also in Southampton). You were mentioned several times during their talk and I think during Bruce Peter's talk too as the source of a lot of the Q3 information
. It was good to see more variants of Q3, both before and after James Gardner was brought onboard with the project. The final variant, just before Cunard's rethink, looking a lot more like QE2, and dare I say even more of a departure from tradition even than QE2 in exterior styling. James Gardner's cartoons were great to see during Bruce Peter's talk, humorously illustrating the problem of smuts on the deck for example.