You must add the Lookout Bar on the Upper Deck. The one you depict on the Boat Deck is OK but would be better suited for corporate offices (no change to the windows). But because the restaurant load will be significantly decreased from the normal "at sea" demand, the galley on the Quarter Deck forward can handle the load and is central to the surrounding restaurants. Thus the original Lookout Bar can be restored.
QM's forward bar was retained and I believe that had QE become a museum/hotel/CC, she'd still retain her's as well. QE2's blanked over windows up there pointed so much to her predecessors and must be reinstalled.
No proper liner should be without a bar/lounge with a view over the bow.
Also, I would think that either the Cinema or the Grand Lounge will have to become some sort of multi-purpose room. Not sure what the draw to watch movies onboard would be (IMAX?) but the more things you can convert the room into (conference room, entertainment, banquet hall, etc.) the better.
While I'm on it, I think it would be much better to open up the aft end of the Grand Lounge to lead into the Yacht Club are. The way to do this is to reinstall the signature curved stairs from the Double Up and Double Down rooms.