Author Topic: BBC Four Timeshift:Sailors, Ships and Stevedores - The Story of the British Dock  (Read 1430 times)

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Offline Twynkle

BBC Four (UK) this evening 20.11.2017
Timeshift: Sailors, Ships and Stevedores - The Story of the British Docks

This is superb!
This is about The Liverpool some of us were bought up in - then The London we worked in etc
Great Ships with sheer, Cunard Ships and Sailors - and much more
Try and catch it on BBC iPlayer if you can
« Last Edit: Nov 21, 2017, 08:41 AM by Twynkle »

Offline Bob van Leeuwen

Just checked - I don't get BBC 4, only one and two  :(

I have seen the other three time shifts episode on YouTube, and I really loved them.

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Just checked - I don't get BBC 4, only one and two  :(

Do you not have Freeview?  Off the top of my head, I think it's Channel 9 on Freeview.
"It is a capital mistake to allow any mechanical object to realise that you are in a hurry!"

Offline Twynkle

Found it!
Watch as Ladies enter their workplace,
up the steps to the Cunard Building...

Haven't watched this yet...
Have you?
Liverpool Docks, 1960's -- Film 17045 - YouTube