Roy's post about the model of QE2 having started life perhaps as a towing tank model is interesting. I did not say in my earlier post that whilst the QE2 model in the Museum is big and impressive it lacks anything like the detailed finish I would expect of a professionally built model such as the ones of QM and QE that are exhibited alongside the QE2 model in the museum.
Maybe the lack of detail is because it was finished-off "enough" rather than finished-off completely. Still an impressive model though.
Cunard must have had a professionally and purpose-built display model of QE2 made for their board-room purposes. Or maybe by then they couldn't afford it, but if there is such a model, I wonder - where is it? Did the shipyard commission or have their own staff make models such as those of QM and QE that are now in the museum or did the owners have them built at their own expense? It might have been the case that by the time QE2 was finished the machinations of ownership of her builders were such that models were the last things on their minds.
I was in the shipping industry for many years representing shipowners in Australia and saw many models of ships operated by lots of different companies. Twynkle is right, they were often built by apprentices in shipyards and as a result many of them were exquisite in their detail with highly polished fixtures and fittings. Some of the companies operated their own shipyards which built ships for their own fleets as well as others. They were very different from the nice but plain models which were provided from other shipyards.
When these companies were rationalised and their fleets flagged-out or sold, the collections of models disappeared. Maybe they went to museums or were otherwise appropriated, but they were symbols of great corporate pride and are probably now collecting dust somewhere.
The best one I have seen was a model of SSFrance in her owner's offices. At 1/48 scale it was around 22 feet or 7 metres in length and was beautifully detailed.
As for my more modest model it is more bore-some than awesome at the moment. Lots of filling, fairing and sanding preparing for painting. Thanks for your encouragement June, I'll post some photos soon.