I always though it a great shame the Grand Lounge in later years was very much underused and the seats on the dance floor did nothing to help matters, they were only used probaboly at the most in the evenings for the supposed top name shows, and we all know how old some of the top names were then . Couldnt they have had the floor area clear in the day time and made better use of the room. I seem to remember in my early days granted it was a 2 class ship but the then Double room had the horse racing, bingo (when it was really busy!!) and agreat many other things going on.
With hindsight l dont know why Cunard or the onboard staff didnt expand various things such as the dance classes, which were always to short and spread things a bit more between the Queens Room and Grand Lounge. The art auctions could have been dumped and lm sure nobody would have missed them, Mindyou l must confess l quite often went with new found friends for the glorious free champagne and to take the piss out of the pictures, and just prayed that l never won the free prize draw
In fact did anyone of us actually ever buy a painting from the Art auctions,....