Taking advantage of a very wet afternoon here in Devon, my wife 'suggested' that we sort out one of our storage cupboards.
Neither of us had realised just how much memorabilia we had collected over the years.
Although to be fair we did acquire quite a few items from a former Cunard Purser who lived next door to some friends. He had sailed with Cunard before, during and after WW2 and, on his death, his widow was 'advised' to put these items up for auction! My wife managed to acquire about 6 or 7 lots for the princely sum of £350 + commission. My favourite item was a 'mystery' as it was overlooked in the bottom of a box by the auctioneers and as such was 'free'! It is a brass nameplate from one of the RMS Samaria's lifeboats! How this gents acquired it i have no idea, but i do know where it is now! FYI RMS Samaria was scrapped in 1956.
But to continue; While looking at our items spread out on the bed in the spare room, my wife 'suggested' [she's very good at 'suggesting things!'] i might like to 'offload' some of these items.
So to come to my point in this post, I have spoken to Lynda and offered a small selection of items for sale at the event, with ALL proceeds going towards the cost of running the QE2 50 year event.
Over the next few days i will be starting a new thread and posting photos of the items involved.
Unfortunately, as i am flying up to Glasgow, i will be limited to size and weight of items but will endevour to make them interesting and possibly unique.
As to the actual sale, on the day time will be very limited so i am open to ideas/suggestions as to how we work this 'sale'!