To reply to QE2 forever.---That is a lovely model you have made, i have saved the pictures in my picture album as reference for my future model. It will be a while yet before i get round to building it as i have 2 greenhouses full of plants and also my garden to look after. However, it will be a challenge to build and i am looking forward to doing so.
I am about a half way through building a kit of a multi masted sailing ship. Then i have to finish a three quarter finished model of the sister ship to Titanic--the "Britannic". It is fully lit and if you have ever watched the film of the Britannic, you may remember that the real ship in Hospital colours had two sets of green lights running down both Port and Starboard sides. I have managed to replicate this in my model and have fitted this and it is in working order. I did it with E.L.wire and an inverter and it looks well. Once i have finished this i will then begin building the QE2 with lights. This in itself takes a good while to do as each LED has to have a resistor soldered to it as i use a 12 volt supply to light up my models. Led's are rated at about 2 volts hence the need to wire a resistor to each one. If i use in the region of say 150 led's you can imagine the work involved. Then there is the Fiber Optics to run!!! It will take quite a while to do,but hopefully the result will be worth it. Rob--(our Rob) has kindly given me his advice on the lighting of the model and that is something to live up to!!
I am happy i have managed at last to find this kit and time will tell if i have done it justice.