Author Topic: QE2 Story Jigsaw "QE2 - Pride of the Clyde" by Gary Lucas - presented by Gav  (Read 16194 times)

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Offline June Ingram

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  • Beautiful, elegant QE2 - forever Queen of the Seas
Great photos of Jim guarding QE2 (jigsaw). He does need the chews to keep up his strength while on guard duty. We are so very lucky to have Jim as our mascot !  :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline pete cain

Pleased to say that, she departed Cumbria on a beautiful, still, sunny , Autumnal day , en route to Isabelle, bon voyage, safe passage.
 Mascot not able to witness departure , petty post office rules about dogs not being allowed in. Place is a dump anyway, he'd raise the tone somewhat...........................

Offline June Ingram

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Safe passage to our QE2 (jigsaw) !  :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Just a little update -- QE2 (jigsaw) has arrived well and is now taking a rest before refit begins.

At present, another jigsaw is occupying the shipyard (table) and needs to be finished first. In the meantime, QE2 is being well looked after :) .

Offline June Ingram

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Very glad to hear that QE2 (jigsaw) has arrived at your shipyard, Isabelle, and is leisurely and safely enjoying a break before her refit begins.   :)  I can imagine how QE2 (jigsaw) is very much enjoying the love and care being lavished on her as she makes her way between the various shipyards !  :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Work has begun, I am glad to report. It is likely to continue slowly but surely, over a period, with a great deal of tender loving care.

Here are the first pictures :

Starting to work on the frame -- many of the pieces seem to be in shades of blue!

Setting aside some of the shippy looking pieces.

Offline June Ingram

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  • Beautiful, elegant QE2 - forever Queen of the Seas
Very glad to hear that your refit of QE2 (jigsaw) has begun ! Do you have a crew assembled or are you working on her alone ? All looks to be well under control with work progressing very nicely !   :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

QE2's refit is making some progress. Here she is, now complete, and with some of her escorts :

She is taking up most of her newly acquired frame, looking so majestic :

And now, she even has some water to move in!

I wonder do we have a leak at the bottom...?
« Last Edit: Mar 13, 2017, 12:01 PM by Isabelle Prondzynski »

Offline Clydebuilt1971

Its always nice to see progress on this puzzle (given it set sail from my house well over a year past now)

Shelagh - who assembled it first - said the amount of water and sky makes it a bit of a challenge but I hope you all agree the end result is worth it!!


Offline June Ingram

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Great work, Isabelle, and thank you very much for sharing with us the progress on QE2's refit.  She does indeed look very majestic, and I just know that she looks so happy due to the attention being lavished on her !  Keep up the good work !

June  :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

The "Pride of the Clyde" is now completed! It has taken long, but it was always a pleasure. All the various shades of blue eventually sorted themselves out. And I must compliment Gav on the quality of the photo, since the pieces showing the water (of which there were many!) all contained wavelets and waves that were entirely clear, and this made it much easier to know which pieces were vertical and which horizontal.

One of the early pictures (February 2017) shows the name "Cunard" amazingly on a single piece :

Cunard on a single piece

After the easy bit, i.e. the ship herself and her escort, the first bit to try was a piece of land (March 2017) :

Part of the land now done

And some more land followed (April 2017) :

Another little bit done

Gradually, the river was filled in, starting from the land side where I had been working (May 2017) :

Four gaps left

Some more progress was made in May :

The daily photo

Down to the last gap to be filled (June 2017)... and this was the hardest one!

The final gap to be filled

All done! Happy with my achievement (July 2017) :

Wow! It's done.

My finger pointing at where I had just inserted the final piece :)  :

Pointing at the place where the last piece was inserted

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

June, you are listed as the next shipyard owner who has offered to give QE2 a tender loving refit after a transatlantic voyage.

Would you like me to organise the sailaway?

Offline Clydebuilt1971

The "Pride of the Clyde" is now completed! It has taken long, but it was always a pleasure. All the various shades of blue eventually sorted themselves out. And I must compliment Gav on the quality of the photo, since the pieces showing the water (of which there were many!) all contained wavelets and waves that were entirely clear, and this made it much easier to know which pieces were vertical and which horizontal.

One of the early pictures (February 2017) shows the name "Cunard" amazingly on a single piece :

Thanks Isabelle - the photo that Gary gave me for the jigsaw was in excess of 6MB file size so the resolution was very good.

Glad to see its giving people pleasure.


Offline June Ingram

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  • Beautiful, elegant QE2 - forever Queen of the Seas
Congratulations, Isabelle, for completing QE2's (jigsaw) latest refit !  It looks to be a superb job ! 

Perhaps you can move me down on the list as the jigsaw "Liverpool Calling" is currently at Ingram Shipbuilding awaiting refit.  My schedule has been tight of late and I have not been able to assemble sufficient refit crew to finish the job.

I might say that QE2 (jigsaw) is enjoying her stay at my yard but did indicate she is a bit anxious to get out to sea again.

June   :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

There is no one on the list after June.

As June is already organising a refit, this is your chance to take on the "Pride of the Clyde". I would be happy to send her (QE2) to any destination. Anyone else inviting her on a transatlantic? Brandon? Trevor?