Hi Rosie, June, Isabelle thanks for the warm welcome.
Rosie I was not in Hong Kong in 1994, my first trip on QE2 was in 94! She was parked alongside the terminal although my memory of that was vague, I had not slept the two previous nights before! two days before I had to fly from Belfast to London and overnight in London before flying to Hong Kong the next day. The next port of call was in Thailand Laem Chanang ?, I did not leave the ship! being sleep deprived I stayed in my cabin and slept most of the time we where they're.
It was not that courages, my grandad was on-board for the entire cruise , we made a deal I pay for the flights and he thankfully paid for the cruise and I would pay him back once I was working, he really egged me on, he would phone every few days and tell me how great it was
So thought I can't miss out any more and we made a deal.
My Uni said if I thought I could catch up on the work I could go, well off course I said yes I will catch up , well I thought wrong! While my parents were not to happy with me at the time my dad told me a few years he would have done the same thing!