Luckily, I am not much prone to cursing -- but I did find it a huge challenge, the most difficult jigsaw I've done!
Finally, with the black areas (the sea), I tried out an entirely "new" technique which worked for me amazingly well. And yes, you are right, once it was finished, I did see lots of shades and streaks and wondered why they helped so little during assembly...
I really liked the challenge and eventually wanted the pride of having carried out the refit all on my own -- but I believe that, while my back was turned a fortnight ago, Pia and a couple of friends also helped and deserve some thanks!
The list of interested Forum members is here :
QE2 Jigsaw No. 4 "Evening at Sea" by Peter Mugridge
Isabelle P. (current holder)
Pete C.
Alan S.
Jim B.
Pete, would you like me to send the jigsaw to you? If not, are any of the others on the list interested?
As for myself, I was recently given a 1,500 piece jigsaw as a birthday present -- nothing to do with QE2 for once! It will be very different, and will keep me occupied for the next few months...
