Author Topic: QE2Story Jigsaw "Liverpool Calling" by Alan Kirby, presented by June Ingram  (Read 29448 times)

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Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Hi Pete, congratulations to you and your crew on finishing QE2 herself and the city too, as well as the Mersey! The weather is in any case variable, we never quite know what it will turn out to be...

I was in the same situation as yourself, with my Mum determined to abandon the jigsaw and have her table back! It was night work from there on, with a deadline looming after which the jigsaw would have to go. And I just about managed it by the skin of my teeth and by several very short nights.

Hope you put your location and dates on the note inside the box before you closed it.

Greetings to Mrs Pete and Jim :) .

Offline Brandon Sterkel

As much as I would love to put together QE2, I wouldn't be able to start until July as well.
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Offline pete cain

She's welcome here in the interim& quite safe(who knows might start it again in the meantime whilst waiting) NOT.

Offline June Ingram

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Hi Pete -

QE2 is more than welcome at my moorings at any time, but it might be best to wait until she has finished all of her refits in the UK.  Then she can make a transatlantic crossing for her US refits.   :)  I am sure that no matter where she is made fast or where her anchor is, she is enjoying it immensely being in sympathetic, caring, and happy company.

June   :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline pete cain

She's still here (& very very welcome), however , we are away to Germany on our venerable camper in 3 weeks time , for a month, so , if anybody is thinking of giving her a new , temporary home, nows the time to start thinking..........

Offline June Ingram

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Hi Pete -

It sounds like a great trip coming up.

June   :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline pete cain

8 months & counting QE2 the forgotten Jig Saw, 'Liverpool Calling', she's been laid up here (& still very welcome) but QE2 in proxy has expressed her wish to journey onward, she thinks that my failure to complete has had a negative effect on her chances, so, c'mmon peoples do what I couldn't & complete this mammoth task,mooring lines loosened, permission to sail granted,...................................

Offline June Ingram

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If no one in the UK has time for a refit, I would be more than willing to welcome QE2 (jigsaw) to my shipyard after 1 February.   :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline pete cain

Right then June, here she is (at last), tugs pulled her away from the dock this afternoon, shipyard manager aka Jim, says' he is sorry to see her go, coz he's had many a good night on board courtesy of ships staff'.
 Local press report that'  QE2's refit , whilst not being complete on this occasion, does not stop future tenders from U K ports of call ' (Brandon take note!).
 She is now in the isolation lock awaiting Customs clearance (literally) in the hope that she makes a successful transatlantic crossing toomorrow.
« Last Edit: Apr 12, 2016, 07:16 PM by Rob Lightbody »

Offline June Ingram

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Hi Pete -

Thanks very much for your message and it does sound as if excitement is mounting as our QE2 (jigsaw) is preparing for her Transatlantic.  (Might I find Jim stowed away on board ?)  In keeping with QE2's past experiences, some refits have been completed while as sea.  I am sure she is anxious to stretch her legs, and perhaps as in leaving Southampton waters for the last time in 2008, maybe she will "floor it" as soon as allowed. 

June   :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline pete cain

Moorings slipped at lunchtime (UK) quite a solmn occasion, apparently only 1 man & his dog witnessed the departure. ::)

Offline June Ingram

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Hi Pete - Thanks very much for your message and it must have been a very solemn occasion indeed.  So our QE2 (jigsaw) is now feeling the salt breezes and spray as she heads out to sea !  June   ;D
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Offline June Ingram

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Pier 352 has been cleared of traffic and is happily awaiting the arrival of our QE2 (jigsaw).  The docking crew is on standby and the refit crew has been notified that work will begin quite soon.  Jim's photos have been set up in the refit basin to assist !   :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline pete cain

We're in the window June,I was told a minimum of 5 working days (that takes us to tomorrow), as for the Jim 'bit'  I would recommend constant nudging just to make sure he's awake, & paying attention ::)

Offline June Ingram

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Hi Pete -

Thanks very much for your message and I believe she has been sighted a bit off shore.  She'll be picking up her pilot off of Sandy Hook and heading over to Connecticut probably sometime tomorrow. 

Yes, I did mention to Jim that he needs to be awake when the refit crew starts in and he reassured me that he would check in on our progress periodically.  He said that in between his visits to the refit basin, he would be catching up on sleep (I mean paperwork) !

June   :)
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !