The main problem, as with driving on the continent (of Europe) is overtaking (passing). Without a passenger to provide advice as to what's ahead, it is an inherently dangerous maneuver. Requires real caution, and power in your vehicle, to be safe. The real fun is in encounters with people, eg filling up at a gas station. Folks cannot believe they are looking at a driving wheel on "the other" side. Many Americans are very, very provincial, and look at you and your right-hand-drive vehicle like you've just arrived from outer space. Mailman are constantly harassing you with offers to buy your car, on the other hand, because that is just what they need to drop off mail in mail boxes through the car's right-hand window. My first American girlfriend was extremely embarrassed to be seen driving in the right-hand drive vehicle (then again, maybe it was me?!), and preferred not to. The most interesting encounters are with police, when you have only a British driving licence. It is entirely lawful to be driving a British-registered vehicle on a British driving licence for up to a year. Whatever you've done to atract the atention of police, you'll in all likelihood get a pass (a warning at worst), because they have nothing to hang on citation/ticket on (unless you're so gormless as to give them your real curent mailing or physical address. So, real name, but address North Pole. It was fun. Until the car was totalled about a year after I had "imported" it; a little 16-year-old who'd had her licence for about a week who cut across me left-to-right causing me to T-bone her passenger side, when I had right of way. No injuries, thank God, but a tragedy nonetheless. My Volvo 850 Estate was only 9 years old, and had only 45,000 miles on it. Declared a constructive total loss, because the repair costs would have exceeded its current market value (cheque for $9,000 dollars). That at least avoided me havign to confront the real problem with driving a "temporary personal importation" vehicle in the States, which is that technically you are responsible for exporting it eventually back out of the country, or for paying import duties on it.