I'd be interested to find out how it was arranged, what were the fares like, did you snap any shots of the garages etc etc..
In 1971....
Rates for transatlantic shipment of automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles with auxiliary motors and other powered vehicles as accompanied baggage.
Weight of vehicle One way RoundtripNot over 100 lbs $ 15.00 -
From 101 to 200 lbs $ 30.00 -
From 201 to 400 lbs $ 80.00 $130.00
From 401 to 600 lbs $110.00 $160.00
From 601 to 800 lbs $150.00 $200.00
From 801 to 1,000 lbs $190.00 $240.00
From 1,001 to 1,500 lbs $250.00 $300.00
From 1,501 to 2,500 lbs $300.00 $350.00
From 2,501 to 3,500 lbs $350.00 $400.00
From 3,501 to 4,500 lbs $425.00 $475.00
From 4,501 to 5,500 lbs $475.00 $525.00
From 5,501 lbs. and above rates on application
Vehicles over 6'6" in height will be acccepted in limited numbers for shipment but passengers are advised that there is likely to be a delay in unloading at Southampton and New York. Therefore, these vehicles may not be immediately available to owners at time of disembarking.
Automobiles are to be delivered to Pier 92, New York the day prior to sailing between 9 AM and 4 PM
On occasion autos will be accepted the day of sailing. In these instances, however, advance clearance must be obtained.
For wesbound sailings autos are to be delivered to Southampton 9 AM - Noon the day before departure and Havre
2 PM - 4 PM the day of sailing.