What are you three favourite photos?
- Off the fog banks of Newfoundland
1 (0.8%)
- Closed -- High Winds
3 (2.3%)
- QE2 wake in an Atlantic storm
3 (2.3%)
- QE2 and perfect weather
3 (2.3%)
- Chasing the White Horses of the Atlantic
4 (3.1%)
- QE2 Icy Hull
12 (9.2%)
- Escaping the Fog
1 (0.8%)
- Tasman Sea showing us her worst
7 (5.3%)
- Sunshine in the harbour of Acapulco
5 (3.8%)
- Brilliant sunshine in Bridgetown Barbados
8 (6.1%)
- Way up north to Iceland
- 0 (0%)
- An afterglow at sunset
1 (0.8%)
- A double rainbow for the QUEEN
8 (6.1%)
- QE2 - What Weather?
7 (5.3%)
- Despite the fog crowds wave her off!
5 (3.8%)
- Take Shelter as we approach the Tyne!
1 (0.8%)
- Black
4 (3.1%)
- Blue
6 (4.6%)
- Hobart Stormy Sky
- 0 (0%)
- Sailing towards a rainy day
1 (0.8%)
- Drizzle in Sydney
- 0 (0%)
- F.U.F. or funnel under fog
8 (6.1%)
- Very British by splendid sunshine
1 (0.8%)
- A place to be
3 (2.3%)
- QE2 in fog at Nova Scotia
2 (1.5%)
- Snow covering the decks
7 (5.3%)
- Sailing away in a snowstorm in New York
10 (7.6%)
- Threatening sky across the Bay of Biscay
4 (3.1%)
- QE2 looking for shade
6 (4.6%)
- Cloud build up on QE2
1 (0.8%)
- The calm seas in the Med
- 0 (0%)
- Spew bags at the ready, We are in for a fun night
- 0 (0%)
- QE2 arriving at Bremerhaven for drydocking on a misty evening
3 (2.3%)
- QE2 in drydock at Bremerhaven on a foggy day, seen from the Norway
5 (3.8%)
- QE2, last minutes in Blohm&Voss Dock 11 - Dec. 15th. 1990
1 (0.8%)
Total Members Voted: 41