Having just got off QM2 from both of her last 2 Voyages "Canary Island Idyll" we had 3 days at sea from Southampton to Madeira, a topic being debated elsewhere on this forum , very enjoyable as we have not been on board since her re-fit , so spent the days viewing each venue looking at her new look "so to speak" and also a look around the galley which was again enjoyable and eye opening at the stats of what is consumed by guests on board, then had day in Madeira alongside QV, before she set sail on her return journey from the Caribbean, however on our return after spending a day in Southampton whilst she was in port Disembarking/Embarking we met my parents for the 4 day "Autumn Escape" as they joined us for their second time on board QM2, after a foggy sailaway party we enjoyed dinner then the usual frivoloties only to get up the next morning "Our day at Sea" to find us "Anchored" just over three miles from Jersey were we where to remain for the duration of the day, then Queen Mary 2 was too weigh anchor set a North Westerly heading and proceed to round the tip of France until turning back onto a SE course to head toward the approaches of the Le Havre. That has got to be CUNARDs best effort yet of saving costs, please someone tell me it cannot get any worse !!!