Great to see the photos and get the news of the Transatlantic QE2 refit! How wonderful that she is now intact and ready for her next voyage

Interesting assembly method too -- and a fascinating table!
As you will have seen, there is also a second jigsaw waiting to be sent to you, Jim -- the Cruising QE2, currently awaiting a transatlantic voyage after her refit in Port June. If you are ready for this, could you please send a PM to June Ingram to let her know your whereabouts?
As for the jigsaw you have just completed, the next person on the list is jdl -- could you please make contact to obtain the address?
The third QE2 jigsaw currently circulating is with me and should be finished her refit within the next couple of weeks. Such a pleasant way for us all to be in touch with each other and share the good things of the Forum
