This Christmas, one of my most wonderful presents was a QE2 jigsaw from 1967 (sic!), showing her arrival in New York City, with all the skyscrapers in the background :
The completed jigsaw of QE2 by
prondis_in_kenya, on Flickr
My Mum, Pia and I managed to complete this 500-piece jigsaw in two evenings, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The picture is not only of a beautiful ship, but it is also beautifully painted.
This made me wonder whether anyone would like to borrow it? I would be happy to put it into circulation, sending it to the first person who wants to give it a go, and just ask for it to come back to us in time for next Christmas.
I would place a paper in the box, indicating who worked on it, when and for how long, so that we can collect a "history" of the tour it takes, and can perhaps work out who took the longest, and who assembled it the fastest!
Anyone interested?