Vote for your favourite 3 photos for the December Competition
- F.W. De Klerk
1 (1.6%)
- A Shared Moment in History
1 (1.6%)
- Naughty Passengers
1 (1.6%)
- Bundled Up and Taking the Crisp Mid-Atlantic Winter Air
6 (9.4%)
- Passengers enjoy the sail into Manhattan QE2 1997
1 (1.6%)
- Passengers on deck enjoying the sunshine QE2 2003
3 (4.7%)
- Passengers enjoying the sail up the Saint Lawrence River QE2 2003
2 (3.1%)
- Back home on QE2
4 (6.3%)
- QE2 passengers on solid ground
- 0 (0%)
- QE2 and her passengers are welcomed into Dubai from above!
4 (6.3%)
- QE2 Panama Canal Transit
1 (1.6%)
- Ruby Anniversary on QE2
- 0 (0%)
- Renewal of Wedding Vows on board QE2
2 (3.1%)
- Hold onto your hats!
2 (3.1%)
- QE2 passengers on board HMS Illustrious
- 0 (0%)
- Cold Day Happy QE2 Customer
- 0 (0%)
- QE2 Bookworm !
5 (7.8%)
- Boardroom Cleaner ?
3 (4.7%)
- The happiest place in the world ?
2 (3.1%)
- Champagne, cigar and sunglasses
5 (7.8%)
- Jigsaw under the Mauretania
5 (7.8%)
- Reading
1 (1.6%)
- Taking it all in
1 (1.6%)
- Shadows
5 (7.8%)
- 40th Anniversary on the Clyde - passengers braving the cold of the observation deck
9 (14.1%)
Total Members Voted: 17