Author Topic: 5 Night cruise on the Queen Elizabeth (27th April 2012)  (Read 2550 times)

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Offline Barrie Evans

 ;D Hi everybody  ;D Just to let you know that the lady of the house (My wife jean) has booked us on the Queen Elizabeth for a 5 Night cruise for my 70th Birthday treat  ;D  ;D  ;D

Apparently Jean had received an email from Cunard, and it was a very good price for a 5 night cruise.  I just wondered if any other Forum members had seen it, or would be interested in booking?  The details are as follows .

Queen Elizabeth Sails from Southampton on Friday the 27th of April and returns on Wednesday 2nd of May. Ports of call are at Hamburg (full Day) and (Le Havre) also a Full Day.

So if you fancy a early Sping Holiday, We would love to meet you on board for drinks (On me) ;D

Barrie and Jean
« Last Edit: Apr 11, 2012, 10:58 PM by Barrie Evans »

Offline Barrie Evans

« Reply #1 on: Apr 11, 2012, 07:00 PM »
Hi Every one, whilst we are on the subject of a Queen Elizabeth cruise , has anybody booked
the five night cruise on the Queen Elizabeth, on the 27th of April 2012, from Southampton? I believe that there were some late offers available.
Jean and myself are booked on this cruise, and would love to meet any forum members, or  Q E 2 enthusiast.

Barrie Evans

« Last Edit: Apr 12, 2012, 10:12 AM by Barrie Evans »

Offline Barrie Evans

Queen Elizabeth
« Reply #2 on: Apr 26, 2012, 07:42 PM »
 :D Hi everyone. We are off again. Bags are packed and will be on our way to Southampton in the morning, for my birthday treat for the 5 night cruise with the Queen Elizabeth. We havn't heard if any other forum members are on the same cruise, but we will keep our eyes open for any one with the Q E 2 story

In friendship
Barrie & Jean'

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Re: 5 Night cruise on the Queen Elizabeth (27th April 2012)
« Reply #3 on: Apr 26, 2012, 08:09 PM »
Have a wonderful time, Barrie and Jean! And looking forward to your stories when you return :) .

Offline tdickson

Re: 5 Night cruise on the Queen Elizabeth (27th April 2012)
« Reply #4 on: Apr 26, 2012, 09:45 PM »
Hope you have a fab time and enjoy your birthday present ,unfortunately won't see you tommorrow as I am on board QM2 allday but may well see on Wednesday as I am at Ocean Terminal on Wednesday for QE's return
Trust you will have a pleasant cruise on a beautiful ship "Bon Voyage"

Offline Barrie Evans

Re: 5 Night cruise on the Queen Elizabeth (27th April 2012)
« Reply #5 on: Apr 26, 2012, 11:05 PM »
Hope you have a fab time and enjoy your birthday present ,unfortunately won't see you tommorrow as I am on board QM2 allday but may well see on Wednesday as I am at Ocean Terminal on Wednesday for QE's return
Trust you will have a pleasant cruise on a beautiful ship "Bon Voyage"
Thank you so much for your kind words, as we are looking forward to our mini cruise on the Queen Elizabeth. Please stop me if you see us on Wednesday,it will be nice to have a chat. Thanks also Isabelle for her Bon Voyage message.

In friendship
Barrie & Jean
« Last Edit: Apr 27, 2012, 07:29 AM by Barrie Evans »


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