Thank you, Flagship - and a great big 'O my word'!

This is so much more than 'half the fun'!!!
Secretly, I thought you'd know - and yet thought too, that you mightn't think it appropriate to comment here!
Not in any wildest dream imaginable, did I expect such a treat!
Interesting to note that HRH Queen Elizabeth (the Queen's Mother) doesn't seem to have been an obvious part of Sir Basil's explanations! Although as consort, her name was also a significant reason for the name of RMS QE, wasn't it?
As you say, QEII wouldn't have worked - and '...the Second' on the hull would have been clumsy;
the reasons for the arabic 2 seem perfect, in every way.
Thank goodness she wasn't called 'anything of England'
(HRH Princess Margaret was known as Margaret Rose within her family,
however both names were not used with her title)
(After all the trouble he went to in making sure it was Queen Elizabeth on the piece of paper, HRH the Queen - in a funny sort of way, did do an 'Off with his head' to Sir Basil, didn't she?!!!)
Thank you again, your contributions are absolutely invaluable, if you know what I mean!