Possibly, the last, or at least one of the few remaining viewable working areas at sea today, it's an absolute pleasure to stand,
leaning on the rail & watch the deck party strut their stuff, when entering or leaving port, (just got to be there even in the rain ,
because this sort of thing isn't going to be around to see for that much longer Fact). You cannot get more of a comparrison
with QE2 than this ,in my opinion.
One final & very important similarity here is Ruby's voice, she has a two tone horn ,but most she has the most sound alike baritone
to QE2, & it took me by complete surprise , whilst leaning on the rail looking forward, leaving port, she sounded that horn, the
unexpected reverbrations through your ribs & that sound, were quite unnerving, I never ever thought I'd experience that again.
Once again in comparrison to QE2 her deck area could be viewed as cramped, but it all works beautifully,she also has a working
thruster system, so although we sometimes had Tug pressence, none was required , untill arriving back in Dover.