How would I make this work? What would I do if i was them? What would people expect of hotel QE2?
Well if its hotel QE2, l think we all need to wake up and smell the coffee, Would anyone (aside from us on here ) be prepared to fork out for the present state of cabins in any grade. But "they" would revamp some of the cabins, wouldn't they. But then at what stage does a revamp become a new cabin eg the showers are at best quite lame. Would anyone expect an inside hotel room, with no window? And does location matter? try getting a cabin map for the Queen Mary in Long Beach.If you want a suite, they will make a note of your request, but no promises. And unless you know the rooms your taking pot luck, port side or harbour view. Next time your booking a hotel try requesting a room ie near the stairs, quiet location, your at the mercy of the booking assistant and their mood.
Try booking an exact room in a hotel and see what reaction you get, Its ok in theory, in practise it might be surprising how often a guest is "moved" for various reasons on the hotel system and they wont even notice it, checkin at 2pm and you get first hit, checkin at tea time, everythings in place by then, arrive at 7pm and ask about an upgrade, the suites might not all be sold, and you might be lucky, ask !! and that leaves the remaining? unsold rooms for the people with no booking who turn up as a chance guest, and they can get charged anything.... And be kind to the checkin agent, they are perhaps second only to god.
Looking at the Boat deck cabins, are they worth saving? Hotel wise more revenue could be obtained by turning them into shops or something else.
What could be a money spinner is the families,block of some of the cabins, ie with the single cabins and turn them into mini suites or the cabins with interconnecting doors, use one room as the bed room and the other room as the lounge, incorporate the single room giving an extra bed, and privacy.
What l do think is that any visitors going onboard hotel QE2 in its present state and looking for the authentic feel, Might just get a bigger surprise than they imagined. Its one thing to have sailed on QE2 in her hey day as a liner, but tied up as a hotel is a whole new concept, and people might even think, heaven forbid She isnt very luxurious. Then again make the cabins big and guests might stay in them, make them a tad small and guests are out and about spending money, which is the name of the game
However not having visited Hotel Rotterdam its pretty hard to imagine what they have done with her, But are the cabins we see the original ones done up? or have they been expanded?
You can show ten people the same room and each will come back with much different views or comments.
Iv had three various cabins on the Queen Mary, each all totally different, all "original" but all different quirks
Looking at another things the cabin rates, Book a cabin on the Queen Mary and you end up paying more than you imagined, theres the local tax and tourism tax, the hotel parking, even if it is reduced rates, and the breakfast.
Personally four and five deck cabins are out, no matter how quaint they are, even 3 deck the ones amiships do give rise to the possibility of the mini suite idea with connecting door.
You could always keep a few cabins in the original state and show visitors, how she used to be, show them the bunk bed cabins and they might not believe what they are seeing .