I have just enjoyed re-reading this beautiful and nostalgic thread and brought back to mind what I wrote above, some years back.
What springs to mind now, of course, is all the places which I would never have seen without QE2 and Caronia. They created some quite exceptional memories. The most amazing place must be Longyearbyen (Svalbard), never to be forgotten. All those Norwegian ports, and some glorious walks there. The Baltic, with Stockholm standing out, as we got to sail among that gorgeous archipelago. A day in dour St Petersburg. Sailing along the North American coast, with Bar Harbor as a highlight. And the wonderful city of Quebec.
I would never have seen these places, were it not for our QE2 and Caronia voyages. And on those occasions when I was lucky enough to return to some of them for work, I felt that I already knew them a bit and could always find my way to the port!
Do you not also find that arriving in a place by sea is so different, and so much better, than flying in?