Hi Skilly
Good to read your post here
Thanks too,very much indeed for your messages
'Safe way home' to you
The World Voyage aka 'We saw three ships come sailing by...'
Or rather, The Mary did!
There seems to be far more coming and going than we ever envisaged from what was 'in the brochure'!
Sydney seems to have been the place where many succeeded in jumping ship.
Instead of what used to be the mantra / stock-in-trade question on QE2 'Which restaurant are you?' - it's now more likely to be 'How did you get here?' or the more seductive, perhaps - 'Where have you been?'!
Such curiosity can be met with one of several responses - and for the first time at breakfast, we met the first of the many 'Three Ship-ers'!
However, because seemingly (and confusingly!) new faces keep on 'appearing', it's still very possible to meet other QV/QM2-ers for the first time - they too have shared the same experiences since 'way back' - Jan 5th!
Very much more seriously, news of the catastrophic 'quake in Christchurch reached us late - it was after we returned from a day re-acquainting ourselves with the road that skirts the south side of Sydney harbour.
At the time of writing, on the one hand, the earthquake still seems unbelievable - too big to comprehend - and on the other, knowing that Mr Shanks is now sailing with us, on board QM2 - it's extremely tempting to ask him now - how Queen Mary 2 might be of some help to everyone in ChCh.
We know for a fact that for the past 12 months and more, the people of Christchurch and surrounding Canterbury have been so excited at the prospect of the visit of QM2...
We won't now be making a maiden call at the Port of Lyttleton - sailing instead, to 'windy Wellington' for the day.
At one end of the spectrum - it feels quite weird to be on the biggest ship that has enough 'juice' on board to power the city of Southampton - and probably enough food to feed thousands (the galleys provide 14,000 meals a day - we did a galley tour!), so it's very tempting to ask why not anchor off the harbour, and give them a hand...?
After all, if cruise ships can help in Haiti etc etc...
And at the other end of the spectrum, the personal end - we have strong memories of a previous voyage.
In 1972, we took 2 young children round the world - again sailing out of Sydney to Auckland, in order to spend a year in Christchurch at a school that by several accounts was badly damaged on Tuesday - the main reasons that we chose this world voyage were because not only because Mary is the natural successor to QE2, equally importantly, she was also due to take us to ChCh.
The people there were the kindest hosts we ever could have wished for - and some of our happiest memories are of that time.
Feelings about this now are profoundly mixed and selfish - and hopefully, without being experienced as interfering - it might be possible to find someone who will help to find ways of collecting funds for ChCh.
The ship raised $25K in an auction for the Australian Flood relief scheme; someone donated US$600 for Captain Wright's jacket - it would only be a small 'drop in the ocean', but maybe we can 'do it for Christchurch' too.
At the moment, it's quite difficult to sort out our thoughts - the perspective has changed, and we need to find the middle of the spectrum again.
No matter what - our thoughts and prayers are firmly with everyone, their friends and families who are linked with ChCh.
More about the voyage to follow soon....
A message to Rob and Mods!
You might want to move the next para to the topic re. confusion with QE2; this was very much in evidence.
Over the past couple of days in Sydney, it was impossible not to notice Queen Elizabeth's presence there.
On many occasions she was called/ referred to as QE2...
After trying to be as gentle as possible in making comments that were aimed to enlighten - a feeling of exhaustion has now set in!
One reference was particularly startling - a Freudian slip perhaps! It was broadcast during the good Captain's (final) midday announcement
More concerning in a way, are the general comments about the general 'state' of QE2.
The words rust, rusting and rusting away are often overheard - and once, 'She's an old 'rust-bucket' very nearly caused me to express outright outrage!
However, QE2 saved the day - again, and I used the opportunity once more to mention the forum, latest pics etc!