Author Topic: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2  (Read 49699 times)

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Offline Chris

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #45 on: Feb 18, 2011, 06:22 AM »
QM2 in the paper this morning.

Seems the media's reason for her delay was "rough seas"...
🎥 Check out my QE2 & Cruise Ship Videos:

Offline Mauretania1907

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #46 on: Feb 23, 2011, 06:09 AM »
Sadly, you will probably not go to Christchurch, as you know they had a second serious earthquake yesterday. Much more damage, even the spire of Christchurch Cathedral fell down. About 60 people (and counting) have lost their lives as this quake struck at 12.50 pm when lots of people were working and shopping. It is so sad, the people were just starting to fix things after the last big quake in September 2010.

Offline skilly56

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #47 on: Feb 23, 2011, 10:55 AM »
Hi Chris,

Thanks for passing on the message. I have been anchored in Shark Bay for 2 weeks while practising cyclone avoidance procedures, so Rosie's ship didn't manage to get any closer than 300 miles to us.

Rosie and I have managed to make contact irregularly, but the comms up there are not good when anchored half way between Denham and Carnarvon. We have been busy dodging Cyclones Dianne and then Carlos, and at present we are making our way back to Fremantle as fast as I can get those little fan thingies at the back to go! It looks like we have managed to outrun Carlos today, but the tornado from Carlos that went through Karratha did a lot of damage.

I will be arriving in Henderson Saturday morning - departing for Auckland the following Friday (by air, not sea).



Offline Twynkle

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #48 on: Feb 24, 2011, 03:43 AM »
Hi Skilly
Good to read your post here
Thanks too,very much indeed for your messages
'Safe way home' to you

The World Voyage  aka  'We saw three ships come sailing by...'
Or rather, The Mary did!
There seems to be far more coming and going than we ever envisaged from what was 'in the brochure'!
Sydney seems to have been the place where many succeeded in jumping ship.
Instead of what used to be the mantra / stock-in-trade question on QE2 'Which restaurant are you?' - it's now more likely to be 'How did you get here?'  or the more seductive, perhaps -   'Where have you been?'!  
Such curiosity  can be met with one of several responses - and for the first time at breakfast, we met the first of the many 'Three Ship-ers'!
However, because seemingly (and confusingly!) new faces keep on 'appearing', it's still very possible to meet other QV/QM2-ers for the first time - they too have shared the same experiences since 'way back' - Jan 5th!

Very much more seriously, news of the catastrophic 'quake in Christchurch reached us late - it was after we returned from a day re-acquainting ourselves with the road that skirts the south side of Sydney harbour.

At the time of writing, on the one hand, the earthquake still seems unbelievable - too big to comprehend - and on the other, knowing that Mr Shanks is now sailing with us, on board QM2 - it's extremely tempting to ask him now - how Queen Mary 2 might be of some help to everyone in ChCh.
We know for a fact that for the past 12 months and more, the people of Christchurch and surrounding Canterbury have been so excited at the prospect of the visit of QM2...
We won't now be making a maiden call at the Port of Lyttleton  - sailing instead, to 'windy Wellington' for the day.

At one end of the spectrum - it feels quite weird to be on the biggest ship that has enough 'juice' on board to power the city of Southampton - and probably enough food to feed thousands (the galleys provide 14,000 meals a day - we did a galley tour!), so it's very tempting to ask why not anchor off the harbour, and give them a hand...?
After all, if cruise ships can help in Haiti etc etc...
And at the other end of the spectrum, the personal end - we have strong memories of a previous voyage.
In 1972, we took 2 young children round the world - again sailing out of Sydney to Auckland, in order to spend a year in Christchurch at a school that by several accounts was badly damaged on Tuesday - the main reasons that we chose this world voyage were because not only because Mary is the natural successor to QE2, equally importantly, she was also due to take us to ChCh.
The people there were the kindest hosts we ever could have wished for - and some of our happiest memories are of that time.
Feelings about this now are profoundly mixed and selfish - and hopefully, without being experienced as interfering - it might be possible to find someone who will help to find ways of collecting funds for ChCh.
The ship raised $25K in an auction for the Australian Flood relief scheme; someone donated US$600 for Captain Wright's jacket -  it would only be a small 'drop in the ocean', but maybe we can 'do it for Christchurch' too.
At the moment, it's quite difficult to sort out our thoughts - the perspective has changed, and we need to find the middle of the spectrum again.
No matter what - our thoughts and prayers are firmly with everyone, their friends and families who are linked with ChCh.

More about the voyage to follow soon....

A message to Rob and Mods!
You might want to move the next para to the topic re. confusion with QE2;  this was very much in evidence.

Over the past couple of days in Sydney, it was impossible not to notice Queen Elizabeth's presence there.
On many occasions she was called/ referred to as  QE2...
After trying to be as gentle as possible in making comments that were aimed to enlighten - a feeling of exhaustion has now set in!
One reference was particularly startling - a Freudian slip perhaps! It was broadcast during the good Captain's (final) midday announcement :) :)

More concerning in a way, are the general comments about the general 'state' of QE2.
The words rust, rusting and rusting away are often overheard - and once, 'She's an old 'rust-bucket' very nearly caused me to express outright outrage!
However, QE2 saved the day - again, and I used the opportunity once more to mention the forum, latest pics etc!
« Last Edit: Feb 24, 2011, 01:40 PM by Twynkle »

Offline Twynkle

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #49 on: Feb 25, 2011, 11:09 AM »
RMS Queen Mary 2 leads the way!

It was 4.55 am on the Bit Beneath the Bridge;  the outline of sky-scrapers in the distance - lights twinkling,
much smaller in scale, yet similar to those we saw well over a month ago, as we sailed into New York.
Gradually as day dawned, we were impressed by the size of Sydney -  different in many ways to the city we'd met in 1972.
Pilot on board, sailing in through the Heads - this was a poignant time for many Sydney-siders returning, some after a long time.
With Queen Elizabeth at first almost alongside/ aft, then taking her rightful place aft, we 'met' and did a sort of circumnavigation round the diminutive Fort Dennison.
Much whistling echoed round the harbour - it seemed as if Captain Wright was reminding the world that he was still i/c, and that before leaving the great flagship, he was going to have a blast!
QE took herself off to park at Circular Quay, whilst we went to 'survey the naval dockyard', before being tied up - Not in the Centre of things...although we made a great backdrop for the Botanical Gardens - and the two Cunard Funnels stood 'loud and proud' adding well to the local scenery.
There is a superb report by Matthew Parris in The Times of 24.2.2011.
He saw the ships come in from a small craft, it makes good reading.
If you can't access it online - any local Library (UK) will have a copy!

Two days in Sydney - on the first, we drove round the harbour - visiting the cliffs on the border of the Pacific, now famed for being The place to commit suicide.
Throughout our visit, we were well impressed by an extraordinarily high standard of living, with prices to match -  a very different place to the one we'd experienced nearly 40 yrs ago.
Getting to and from the ship was a bit tricky - the Naval side of things meant that security was particularly tight, so my intentions of going out after dinner and night-time photography etc were all pretty well blunted.  Perhaps news of Christchurch was also playing a part...

Day 2 - Hair cut morning! Planned some 8 weeks ago - and mission accomplished!
Then to town on foot - and we managed to spend a couple of hours looking round inside the Opera House.
QE was moving out by 12.30 pm, making a great sight from inside those wonderful windows.
Perhaps I should say, a 'great sight '- as long as you don't include her unfortunate back-side!

At the same time, Queen Mary 2 was host to the Sydney-siders who had  travelled on board the two Queens serving as troop ships during WWll.
They had been invited to attend a Service of Commemoration and Lunch on board - their average age being 90+ years, some wore military hats/ berets and badges, most wore medals.
We had visited the beautiful War Memorial in Perth - it seemed fitting that we managed to catch sight of the surviving comrades -  they left the ship, as we joined her.
The Service and lunch was referred to on this morning's 'Today' programme by Mr Shanks - he will remain on board until after the World Cruise Dinner in Auckland.

News of Christchurch continues to worsen, with images of the broken city centre being shown frequently on TV.
The maiden call to Wellington tomorrow (Saturday), together with a few shore excursions have been planned at short notice - probably made possible because of QE's call earlier this week.
Knowing from a friend how disappointed the people of Lyttleton and ChCh will be that the call's now not possible, this morning I met Ruud (Chief Purser) , we've known each other for some time (QE2, as well as QV) and he agreed to passing on my strong hope that the ship, and Cunard as a company will do whatever they can to help with the aftermath of the two 'quakes' in Christchurch.
He said that it was already on the agenda for the WC Dinner - I asked for at least as much coverage for Ch Ch as had been afforded for the Floods in Australia - and now keeping fingers crossed that something good can be achieved.  I thought of  mentioning that my precious 'I love QE2 badge' could be auctioned...we can but hope.

This Evening.
There is now a Christchurch Relief Fund collecting box beside the place where people queue for the Purser's Desk, there's also a mention of this in tomorrow's daily programme.
We saw an Albatross.
12 waiters sang  Happy Birthday before the dessert course.
Watched big waves breaking beneath the Chart Room windows as Mark Hodgson and his band played brilliant jazz in the Chart Room.
Now heading off to say goodnight to the Sea - tomorrow we'll be up early to watch as we sail through the Cook Straight, past the Sounds and enjoy our first day in Aotearoa, the Land of the Long White Cloud.


Offline Janice Naylor

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #50 on: Feb 25, 2011, 04:13 PM »
Beautifully written "report," Rosie.  I look forward to reading them ... next best thing to being there.

Whenever I hear a sea story I think of the first time I saw the QE2 and the great adventures that followed.

Offline Cunarder Man

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #51 on: Feb 25, 2011, 05:12 PM »
Thanks Rosie for a wonderful 'post'. This time next year I'll be heading out of Sydney on QM2 so your descriptions are very much appreciated. CAN'T WAIT ! Keep the posts coming.

Offline Twynkle

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #52 on: Mar 03, 2011, 07:59 AM »
Wednesday/ Thursday 2nd -3rd March.
Heading north-west up the South Pacific, towards the Equator - again!

Firstly, thank you again and again for writing. It's so good to know you are all 'there'!!

Oh how  I wish you were all 'here' too!
Yesterday, the pale, and yet deep blue sea couldn't have been looking more like a millpond, however hard it tried
''We seem to stand in the center of  a saucer and it moves forward with us, so that we seem to be standing still in a [never-ending] expanse of water'
Quote no.117, found in the artwork of the port side promenade of Deck 3L under 'Dear Diary...1930's'

Today - It's about QE2 (at last!)
There's a sale of books, cards and posters in the Book Shop next to the Library and for just $2.50, I've bought half a dozen  'QE2 at Geiranger'  cards (think 'birthday, get-well, congrats, anniversaries etc - 'QE2's magic will be guaranteed to delight!') There are about 50 cards and envelopes left.
Sadly, no bookmarks, although there are few 'writing sets' ($10, I think)
Gaynor says these cards  are on a strictly first-come, first served basis.
I wonder, would anyone be interested in buying a few?
Let me know asap via a pm on the Forum, and I'll see what I can do!
If there are any that are still for sale, you'd receive 'your order' after April!

Port Vila isn't that far off and having spied someone from the Bridge, he's kindly supplied the following,  
'Vanuatu  (and Port Vila) was 500 miles off our stbd side at 8.00am this morning'
Not being marked on the current nautical chart on Deck 12- my trusty Times Atlas is showing it in a square on page 125...

Found in the Library  'Four Weeks in May: The Loss of HMS Coventry - A Captain's Story
by David Hart Dyke
The author returned home with the survivors on board QE2.
Published in 2007
This is a very good book - and at the same time, extremely sad.
(Rob - Mods, you might also need to move this para to 'Books about QE2, or The Falklands Topic
sorry, but 'surfing' is currently very expensive)

Yesterday, Deck 13  really came into its own.
Lunch in the shady bit, beneath the funnel - this has got to be possibly one of QM2's best kept secrets as there was hardly anyone there!
We watched as we passed weird sort of wavelets of floating stuff.  Two theories - one being 'spawning coral', t'other being sulphur!
Maybe the answer will be found tomorrow - one of the best lecturers to date (ever!) is speaking in the morning - all about Coral'.
He's informed us that the 10.00am students (us) are the sharpest and the best -(applause) then those who are up early can go out and earn to maintain their place!

The 'earning 'bit' had already been under consideration - given the somewhat limited possibilities  of 'earning' for guests,  thoughts are still germinating on this topic.
Having been introduced to a cup of 'Flat White' in Adelaide, and recognising it to be extremely superior to the de-salinated (?) coffee that's available on board - another Guest and I had contemplated investing in a coffee making contraption, some decent arabica, and opening up a private, members only Coffee Club  brew-house in our cabin...AUS$4.00 a mug!
However, when this was mentioned during last evening's semi-formal Dinner to one of the best waiters - he quietly murmured, 'Hmm...USPH??
Then there's the Casino.  A new (US) friend has offered to teach me how to play 'Craps' - having watched him assiduously on several occasions, I fear the risk of losing my dwindling supplies of precious cash to the oft times winner (probably aka 'the casino') of Deck 2 is still far too great!  
Regretfully, any thoughts of earning have needed to be re-allocated to The Start square again...

Rosie and QM2   -  fast  approaching the Doldrums

Noon today - 317 nm from nearest landfall - Solomon Islands.
2,090 nm from Guam - next port
2.7 miles above sea-bed
Air temp. 83F 29C
Sea temp. 75F
(Humidity must be at least 80%!)

Port of call after Guam is Osaka where the temp. is currently 8C!
« Last Edit: Mar 03, 2011, 11:48 AM by Twynkle »

Online Lynda Bradford

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #53 on: Mar 03, 2011, 02:35 PM »
Rosie, I loved your post on Sydney which is  a city I would love to visit.  Looking forward to hearing about your casino adventure.  Look on the positive side that you could win enough for another world cruise! 

It is good that you can keep posting on the forum  even though you are so far away.
I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank

Offline QE2 Canuck

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #54 on: Mar 03, 2011, 04:26 PM »

Hi Rosie......I too am really enjoying your posts Live from RMS Queen Mary 2........sounds like you are enjoying yourself.
I also remember having lunch up top in the shade of the funnel, last August in Bergen, Norway...
I found QM2 has a few little well-kept secrets that a lot of people don't realize are there. Every time I've been on board, I always use the little outside elevator at the front going up to the observation deck......and I generally have it all to myself.
Looking forward to your next posts.....(Dubai is getting closer... are you ready?)
Fair winds and calm seas to you and Mary !!!

QE2 Canuck      Linda C

Offline skilly56

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #55 on: Mar 04, 2011, 05:31 AM »
Hi Rosie,

I'm off and going home! Sitting in Perth Airport at the moment, and all in one piece.

The lads on the ship said a news item on TV here in Fremantle showed a lady explaining about how $25,000 had been raised on the QM2 for the Queensland flood appeal (they had collection boxes all around the ship). She then went on to say that collection boxes had now been put out for the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal, and had reached about $7-8,000 already.

Now who do we know who would get the staff captain going on an appeal for ChCh. ;)

My wife has donated some new wheel barrows to help the gangs of students who are digging out the 150,000 tonnes of liquifaction sediment and sand.

Good to hear you are enjoying life onboard.



Offline Twynkle

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #56 on: Mar 04, 2011, 01:20 PM »
'Evening All!
(Except that it's a Good Yesterday Morning to most!!'
Lynda and Linda  - thanks to you both for your posts.

Thanks so much and Great to hear from you too, Skilly - and very good to know that you survived those big storms.
They sounded terrifying, specially after the food ran out
We did miss you - it was by less than a week in 2 different countries!
We missed you too, Mauritania! Hope the lecture was a good one!
Think we'll have good enough reasons to come back - that is, if they'll have us!!

Still heading  NW - with more Sea Days ahead. At last there's some time to think more about New Zealand - and the Sea!
There'll be many things about our Worldie that we shall remember, and for personal and professional reasons - the events to do with Christchurch will always be at the top of our list.
Although news of the city is now less of a priority on tv news, we heard today that that there's no further hope that there will be more survivors.

Understandably, there were lots of mixed thoughts and feelings about QM2 and her role around at the time of the World Voyage Dinner.
The Dinner is an annual event, one in which Cunard express their gratitude to the Guests for taking a round the world voyage on one of their ships. 
 It would have appeared extremely  churlish to reject Cunard's generosity and their kind invitation, although on the face of it, it did seem somewhat inappropriate to be celebrating so near to where there was such distress.  And to hold the Dinner so soon after the earthquake  must have presented a dilemma for Cunard too. However, we later discovered what determined efforts had been made in  offering help to Christchurch, this went some way in alleviating our concerns as well.
It wouldn't have taken much for me to jump ship, I really did want to go and try to be of  'help' - however, common sense prevailed, at the same time ChCh remains very much in our thoughts.

Before the WC dinner there was a Minute's silence, this was followed by a very good speech made by Mr Peter Shanks.
He spoke about Christchurch - and then went on to praise the ship's company. He's been greatly impressed by the appearance of the ship and has thanked each and everyone who is involved with her maintenance. He's justifiably very proud of the fleet - he watched the two ships 'dance' around the harbour in Sydney from steps of the Opera House - he reminded us that Cunard has 'the youngest fleet with the oldest history' and added that he'd been left with happy memories to take on his long flight home.
More of his thoughts can be found on the blog  -

There's something indescribably impressive about the routines of being at sea -
There are those who keep watch, round the clock - 4 hours on, 8 hours off, then 4 hours on again before the next 8 hours off... 8-12, 12-4, 4-8, 8-12, 12-4, 4-8, 8-12 and so on
No days off, no long stretches of sleep, relaxation, exercise - and the constant demands of ship-work, wherever that maybe, and whatever it involves.
Every night, sleep happens to the accompaniment of Mary's mighty power-plant constantly providing us with the air we breathe, every morning as we wake - she's still at it!
At times it seems relentless (it is!), and at other times, thoughts prevail about how miraculous it is that something that weighs tons and tons can stay above the surface of a sea that's over 2 miles deep!

Then there's the constant stream of people - they seem to (and probably do) number well into the hundreds who pound Deck 7 as if they'll collapse if they don't get their daily dozen circumnavigations, each one done at great speed! The intensity of purpose is plain for all bystanders to see - total focus, commitment and determination writ large on each and every unsmiling face - M25 in the rush hour comes to mind, with 'deck rage' much in evidence when overtaking becomes impossible!
They all go anti-clockwise - goodness knows why!

Then there are the skies - these are simply huge, even when we are, like today, being approached by  largish areas of tropical rain.
The sunsets - with the exception of one a few days ago - these on the whole have been non-existent (if that makes sense!!).
The stars - Rob, the Bridge have thoughtfully turned the lights off - and The Milky Way has been as superb to see, as the stars were too, at the time that you saw them on QE2!
The birds - currently there are few, and those we've seen have long wingspans, they dive like gannets for the plentiful supplies of flying fish (these look exactly like tiny birds with proper wings!) - not too sure of their species...yet

We cross the equator tomorrow - and I need to stop now, as heading off  to the Purser's desk to enquire further regarding the predicted time we are due to sail over the line!
Maybe the Bit Behind the Bridge will be open and we can see our position on one of the screens!!

Seats on the open decks are tied down tonight - time we had a rough one, and very much hope we get it!!


PS - Hope the Collection for Christchurch box gets re-instated beside the Purser's desk (it disappeared a couple of days ago)
- and that things like Equatorial high jinks don't get in the way of the very necessary fundraising.

Offline Twynkle

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #57 on: Mar 09, 2011, 09:16 AM »
The Bit Above the Bow!

Standing in amongst the spare propeller blades is rapidly becoming a favourite pastime, two (I think!) of these blades have already seen service.
It was long after  dark - 11.00pm, on the daily 'wishing-the-sea-a-goodnight' visit, that someone from the deck floor shouted, 'Hey - don't tread on me'
Here was a new-found friend - complete with a pair of huge binoculars. He'd been thrilled to find the stars of the southern hemisphere, and this often quite drafty place had now become his nightly haunt too!

Then there was the evening when an announcement was made by the Officer of the Watch about a red-somethinged Booby. A pair of these  great sea-birds had been spotted from the Bridge, and were now gracefully circling the forward area of the ship.
After spying unsuspecting fish caught up in the ripple of the bow stem, one bird - with a huge and beautiful wingspan dived gannet-fashion, and the fish became the first of several courses of his early dining feast. The bird, once it had completed his evening meal, then spent several minutes attempting, before he eventually succeeded - in landing on the cross-bar of the bow jackstaff.  Having made himself comfortable, semmingly very much at home - the bird was then given the opportunity to view an extremely bright light atop the staff  - after a quick, disdainful glance in the direction of the light, he settled down again on his grand perch -  and probably felt much relieved after his night light was extinguished....
This event took place whilst the ship was sailing at an average of 24 kph a couple of nights ago. It was aided, abetted and witnessed by the Third Officer, together with this appreciative guest and some  good use of arm-waving and thumbs up signs taking place - twixt the bit in the Centre of the Bridge, and the Bit Above the Bow...The activity was then well reviewed at the Commodore's Cocktail Party yesterday evening....

Dawn today -  heading for the Land of the Rising Sun
Brrr - after the mid-30's of Guam, the sea's been looking as if it's on its way to the Atlantic, it's turned a sort of pale grey. It's a tad choppy - and on the art gallery bit of the bow,  it was little fresh for the sunrise this morning!   A thin pink ribbon of sunlight bordered the clouds that were blanketing the horizon - the sun, on waking, was finding it a little chilly too, maybe.
As it's become more breezy, this afternoon the deck crew have closed the watertight doors that lead onto the Bit Above the Bow - the  green cushions of the steamers have been stowed in the great plywood chests, - ( sadly the royal blue of QE2 is now nowhere to be seen!) and the afternoon marchers will soon be thumping orbiting deck seven on the daily grind ...;)

The people from the immigration, customs and excise department in Japan have been inspecting all passengers' documentation; finger prints made and passengers' eyes have been photographed - and we are now ready for our call at Osaka tomorrow morning.

Isabelle - about the older ship that you admire (in Japan), please might it be possible for you to post the name, port and link on this topic just for a short while?
(I have currently just a few minutes left for the internet, surfing/ searching for it will take longer!)

Because of the restrictions in Japanese waters which ban the use of the ship's satellites for email, internet and mobile phones, there may be a short break till the next 'episode' - please feel free to 'talk amongst yourselves'!

Rosie - still very much wishing that you were all here.

PS - Myles - you mentioned luggage, and clothing management skills.  There's still one suitcase waiting to be unpacked!
PPS - For The Tug of War, please 'watch this space'!

Footnote: Others on board are now more aware of The QE2, her story and the Forum - hopefully a few more  'Live from QM2' posts might appear here too!

Online Rob Lightbody

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Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #58 on: Mar 11, 2011, 09:50 AM »
I got an email this morning from Rosie saying everything was ok with her and qm2, but it's hard not to worry.

Thinking of Japan.

There seems to be earthquakes everywhere qm2 goes...
Passionate about QE2's service life for 40 years and creator of this website.  I have worked in IT for 28 years and created my personal QE2 website in 1994.

Online Lynda Bradford

Re: Live from RMS Queen Mary 2
« Reply #59 on: Mar 11, 2011, 09:59 AM »
Thank you for letting us know that Rosie is okay.  I was really worried. 

My thoughts are with the people affected by this disaster. 
I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank


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