Author Topic: Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth child abuse claims investigated  (Read 5578 times)

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Matteo 91

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Read this article about a very serious matter:

Cunard's answer today on Facebook:

"There has been media coverage in the UK about an allegation regarding an ex Cunard crew member this weekend. We are deeply shocked by these allegations as the safety and wellbeing of our customers is of paramount importance to us. A thorough police investigation is underway which we are supporting and co-operating with fully. Given that the police inquiry is ongoing, we cannot comment any further at this stage. What we can say is that we are working closely with the NSPCC to ensure that affected families and children are cared for and offered appropriate support."


Online Peter Mugridge

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  • At Mach 2 three days after being on QE2...
I saw the reports in the media - I would suggest we await the outcome of the police enquiry before speculating as, if any charges are brought, the matter will become sub judice pending a trial...  This would be a rather delicate subject...
"It is a capital mistake to allow any mechanical object to realise that you are in a hurry!"

Offline tdickson

Cunard Member of Staff Accussed of Wrong Doings
« Reply #2 on: Feb 14, 2012, 06:20 PM »
I had read several months ago an ex member of staff had been accussed of Child Abuse onboard all Cunard ships as he was a manager/supervisor of The Zone & Playzones  , Tonight it has made itself into the "6.00" News ,I really cannot beleive this as my family know the named person ,as he has looked after our son since 2004 on the QM2 ,Victoria & Elizabeth over the last eight years and his behaviour has been impeccable " We as a family are really shocked tp read and listen of such allegations and would like to show our support.We say Innocent until proven Guilty.
This "Bloke" Mr Paul Michael Trotter was/is a really friendly likeable person
I wish him well

Offline skilly56

An ex QE2 staff captain/master(2005), and also master on the 'Sun Princess/Sea Princess' for many years, is currently in jail in the UK on child sex charges, the offences having been committed on board while he was master. He admitted the charges.

I had found some old photos of my wife , son, and myself with PR on the Sun Princess and wondered where he had got to, so I googled him, not for one minute thinking I would find what resulted

I have met this man, and would not have ever suspected the truth.

Google 'Captain Peter Russell'.

« Last Edit: Feb 14, 2012, 08:54 PM by skilly56 »

Offline highlander0108

Re: Cunard Member of Staff Accussed of Wrong Doings
« Reply #4 on: Feb 15, 2012, 04:31 AM »
I had read several months ago an ex member of staff had been accussed of Child Abuse onboard all Cunard ships as he was a manager/supervisor of The Zone & Playzones  , Tonight it has made itself into the "6.00" News ,I really cannot beleive this as my family know the named person ,as he has looked after our son since 2004 on the QM2 ,Victoria & Elizabeth over the last eight years and his behaviour has been impeccable " We as a family are really shocked tp read and listen of such allegations and would like to show our support.We say Innocent until proven Guilty.
This "Bloke" Mr Paul Michael Trotter was/is a really friendly likeable person
I wish him well

We were on the next cruise after he left the ship and both of my kids were in the Zone daily.  This news is disturbing.  One wants to maintain an open mind and not prejudge, but as we have been shocked to see even more disturbing allegations in the USA lately with public figures, it is becoming harder NOT to prejudge.  This just does not sound good.  Sounds like Cunard is handling this the best they can.
"There will never be another one like her" QE2's last Master Ian McNaught
My Blog:

Offline Rod

AND, speaking from experience, not with my kids thank can do as many background checks as you wont find these people until they are caught. We have one Sea Cadet Officer currently in a US Navy brig, been there over 9 mths while they investigate. He had been through the Military/FBI background check that we ALL do. Nothing! Met him a couple of times and didn't like him...did not know why.....He is married with 3 kids.

Offline tdickson

Unfortunately I have to re-tract my previous entry on this unfortunate episode regarding Cunard ,it appears from news today that Mr Paul Trotter has pleaded guilty to no less than 13 charges of indecent assault whilst working on board all three Queens ,I have to say all my family are shocked beyond belief as we have sailed many times whilst this man was in charge of the childrens facilities, and was never ever less than a pure gentleman. Our feelings go out too all the children affected 

Matteo 91

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That's shocking indeed  :(

Online Lynda Bradford

It is a sad day when someone who is trusted with the care of children abuses this trust.  There must be many other parents who are concerned about their children while cruising.  It is indeed shocking!
I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank

Online Peter Mugridge

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I have just read the report on this in the Daily Telegraph today; it appears he evaded strict controls on gaining the employment in the first place and evaded further controls while on board - for a start there are rules that there should never be fewer than two childcare staff supervising at once and the areas used for this purpose have full CCTV coverage.

The paper does say that procedures have now been tightened up with the help of the NSPCC, which is very good to hear, but it is still incredible that the previous procedures - which seem to have been very tight in the first place - could have been got around at all.
"It is a capital mistake to allow any mechanical object to realise that you are in a hurry!"

Offline Bruce Nicholls

Unfortunately people with such inclinations can be very devious.

Offline tdickson

I know this is old news but the above subject was again brought up by "Cruise Critic" and linked somewhat to the "Sir Jimmy" allegations ,the person in question was jailed for 4 years apparently, personally myself & family can not believe it.
End of Topic !!!


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