A similar incident, nearly happened on QE2.
It was the practice at the time, believe in the late 70's to send a "Staff Launch" ashore as soon as clearance was give from local authorities, with the shore party, some Cruise Staff, Security etc to set up shop at the landing.
Night staff were allowed on this launch to get a head start, otherwise they would have to wait until "Open Gangways" was declared, ie all waiting pax were on their way!
The staff launch would be loaded on the boat deck with as many as 30 staff lowered and go straight into shore.
One day they lowered, the boat want to say it was #11, was about 1 deck when the brake drum housing basically exploded, leaving the boat...and people stranded at 1 deck level. They were there for about 3 hours as the had to be hauled up by use of chain blocks!
After that the staff launchs was loaded at the gangway! Thankfully nobody was hurt!