Strange what the media does, that this two year old story has suddenly gone "viral" with old video.
The Marine Accident Investigative Report is on line with some interesting information and photos.
Pacific Sun is small by present day standards, only 47,000 tons, and quite attractive compared to the new stuff that's out there clogging up the seas.
Hey, there's a name for RCI's new ship... "Clogging of the Seas".
I know this post is a few years old but.... with little else to do this lockdown Saturday afternoon, i looked back at the start of this thread and found your post ref Pacific Sun!!
Having done 3 contracts on her i can safely say, without fear of contradiction that she was, in no shape or form, 'attractive', be that externally or internally!!
When she changed Flag states in 2010, from London to Malta, it was because she was so totally inadequate safety wise, and had to have about 1000 tons of concrete pumped into he to sort out her stability!! Fortunately i left shortly afterwards, never to return and, instead moved over to Seabourn.
As a service to the maritime community her last owner, a Chinese company, only kept her for a few years and she eventually ended up where she should have been many, many years before - ALANG!
There again, i suppose being on a ship with 1500 Aussies didn't help my sanity much, especially when the ship was originally built to take about 2/3 of that number, with the extra berths being added for the Australian market.
The majority of her trips were 7 days from either Sydney or Brisbane, a day at sea up to Noumea, then Isle of Pines & Vanuatu, back to back and then 2 days back to Aus. Those last two days were always a nightmare as the passengers were given back their confiscated Duty Free the last sea day before turnaround day!!! Durrrr, these are Aussies, virtually all the Duty Free was consumed before we got anywhere near Aussie waters!
The only good thing my time onboard Pacific Sun did for me was to take me to a few remarkable ports/islands, the best two possibly being, Mystery Island and Isle of Pines. If you've ever been to either of these two beautiful places you'll know what i mean. Isle of Pines especially is what you imagine a South Pacific Island to be, and it certainly doesn't disappoint.
If i can find a few photos of either i'll post them.