Very unusual in this day & age to have multiple engine failure that can kill all propulsion, so I doubt there is anything wrong with the engines. The trouble with a total propulsion failure in these conditions is that the ship cannot be kept head-to-wind, and the stabilizers don't function with the ship stopped, so the ship naturally rolls a bit! (Been there - Indian Ocean, rolling violently, thrown out of my bunk just before my beer fridge was ripped from it's mountings on the bulkhead and tossed inverted across the deck, to spew it's contents everywhere!).
But, a fuel supply failure should only affect half the engines if the supply system is split port/stbd, or fwd/ aft. Or, if it is a diesel-electric propulsion system, a main bus failure could cause a total propulsion failure. However, a bus failure can normally be overcome by banging out the bus coupler and at least getting power to half the propulsion system.
Or maybe it was a 24vdc control system failure? On a near-new ship!
I don't know the ship, but will look up what is available.
P&O's 'Aurora' has just done two back-to-back cruises up the Norwegian coast - apparently everyone totally enjoyed it, but the 'Aurora' is twice the size..