It just doesn't seem right at all with your record with Cunard.
Im afraid any long term Cunarder will tell you in by gone days, and lm not speaking all that long ago, it counted for something, Now lm afraid it doesnt count for much, Heck they cant even get the past passenger mailings correct. Its the new passengers who can be swayed with the golden promise of White Star Service when in fact that service was the norm years ago.
I hate to say it BUT QE2 (not Cunard) had a special kind of service that was all her own and l doubt we will ever see the likes of that again, Crew who knew who they were dealing without fawning over you, they at times knew what you wanted before you knew it. Its the small things you notice.
When l walked into the Mauretania at the start of a cruise a few years ago a Maitre D greeted me like a long lost friend, told me what hosted tables l had been on before and where l would be.
In part my reasoning for not cruising with Cunard now is that to have had the best years on a certain ship l dont want to return to a product that
doesnt live upto what it should that l know how it used to be.
Who hasnt sat in the Queens room on embarkation day, enjoying the afternoon tea, some of us dont want a buffet meal and spied friends from past trips.
Anyway lm way off topic here sorry !!!