Author Topic: Foredeck Layout  (Read 16535 times)

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Offline highlander0108

Foredeck Layout
« on: Jun 11, 2010, 04:26 AM »

Having this image as my desktop background for some time now, gradually I began to see things not so readily apparent, especially to one who is unfamiliar to what the ship was like in her original incarnation.  One thing you can pick out is the newer deck plating at the very bow that was a 1995 repair due to the rogue wave damage.  It is smooth and without any of the paint buildup visible farther back.  Comparing it to one of the excellent early images posted here, the layout of the foredeck changed when the bow anchor was removed.  The colors may have changed, but the equipment is original.  It appears that you can make out the original layout of the color change on the deck in the grey paint too.  I think the deck is much cleaner with the two symmetrical anchor chains leading to the capstans.  Without the anchor rode for the bow anchor, there was now space to relocate the fog horn to the foredeck in later years.  Also, note the spare anchor that was mounted to the portside is not yet installed on the original photo.

The two vertical vents in the center of the ship, installed at an angle puzzled me why they were installed at that angle.  Comparing the original photo, it is apparent that they were not only ventilation structures, but the resting place for the original twin deck cranes.  You can see the cable tie-downs in the photo above.  Mystery of the layout of these vents solved! What a clever way to integrate these structures into the deck layout by the designers!  Also, the bulwark located in front of the life rafts originally was lower and with a railing.  It appears that the bulwark was extended to the height of the original rails, probably for protection of the life rafts from heavy seas crashing over the bow.
« Last Edit: Jun 21, 2010, 04:53 AM by highlander0108 »
"There will never be another one like her" QE2's last Master Ian McNaught
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Offline skilly56

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #1 on: Jun 11, 2010, 06:02 AM »
Hi Ken,

Seeing your post reminded me I had some foredeck machinery photos - see attached.

The 'guillotines' are also called 'chain stoppers'

« Last Edit: Jun 11, 2010, 07:09 AM by skilly56 »

Offline skilly56

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #2 on: Jun 11, 2010, 06:20 AM »
More foredeck equipment - the photo file name identifies the piece in view.


Offline skilly56

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #3 on: Jun 11, 2010, 06:21 AM »
And some more...

Offline highlander0108

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #4 on: Jun 11, 2010, 06:44 AM »
Thanks Skilly.  These photos put you right on deck, an area that I suspect most of us would want to walk out on someday.
"There will never be another one like her" QE2's last Master Ian McNaught
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Offline Chris

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #5 on: Jun 11, 2010, 07:18 AM »
Some more of the same area taken in March 2008.

It was such a thrill to stand there!
🎥 Check out my QE2 & Cruise Ship Videos:

Offline skilly56

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #6 on: Jun 11, 2010, 07:49 AM »
Plus one more on the Foredeck theme - Why are all those people lined up watching me - I just hope i don't stuff up!!

And one, taken whilst walking on the roof!

Online Cunarder Man

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #7 on: Jun 16, 2010, 09:53 PM »
I took the attached picture in December 1983 on my first cruise on QE2. She had just returned from Bremerhaven after a refit and she wasn't quite ready for passengers, we spent a day or so in port before a quick jaunt around the English Channel. It didn't put me off - it was the first of many happy years cruising on QE2.

I wonder if the forward anchor had just been removed as illustrated by the red inserts on the deck?

I also stood in the 12 inch depression on the forward deck in 1995 caused by Hurricane Louis - I'll dig out my slides of this.

Offline Bob C.

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #8 on: Jun 20, 2010, 02:05 PM »
    Thanks for this great shot and I agree that she had a bit more make-up to put on before she's ready for passengers....

Those red patches are red priimer paint and is where the raised fore-anchor run used to be.  I can hardly wait to see your pix of the wave damage.

There are a few pieces of equipment just aft of the anchor windlasses (wildcats).  The white mushroom looking things I assume are vents but immediately aft are two circular platfroms (one on each side) with a center column and there are two other columns between the wildcats. 

Are these the manual and hydraulic windlass brakes?
« Last Edit: Jun 20, 2010, 03:28 PM by Bob C. »

Offline highlander0108

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #9 on: Jun 20, 2010, 02:29 PM »
CM, do you know if the forward mounted fog horn assembly was refastened to the rebuilt deck or was the assembly renewed?  The structure appears to be the same from your photo and my photo of 2008.

I too am looking forward to seeing what damage was caused by this rouge wave that Commodore Warwick said it looked like the white cliffs of Dover!  :o  A testiment to the workers of the Clyde, who built a strond ship!
"There will never be another one like her" QE2's last Master Ian McNaught
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Offline Louis De Sousa

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Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #10 on: Jun 20, 2010, 10:16 PM »
I too am looking forward to seeing what damage was caused by this rouge wave that Commodore Warwick said it looked like the white cliffs of Dover!    A testiment to the workers of the Clyde, who built a strond ship!

The rouge wave was in 1995 and not in 1999, check more out here,399.0.html
« Last Edit: Oct 22, 2010, 06:16 PM by Lynda »

Offline Rod

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #11 on: Oct 13, 2011, 06:56 PM »
BTW. The forward whistle platform was also designated by Capt, later Commadore Ridley the sight of a Christmas tree. CDR Ridley saw a ship leaving NY, at the same time as we did, sporting a Christmas tree on the forward deck. Bob Dolley and I were tasked to make it happen! Tree and lights were picked up in Everglades... and it was done........
Oh some of the jobs I had!

Offline cunardqueen

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #12 on: Oct 13, 2011, 07:42 PM »
CDR Ridley saw a ship leaving NY, at the same time as we did, sporting a Christmas tree on the forward deck. Bob Dolley and I were tasked to make it happen! Tree and lights were picked up in Everglades... and it was done........

like this maybe....  ;)

<dead link removed>
« Last Edit: Mar 18, 2022, 06:27 PM by Lynda Bradford »
From the moment you first glimpsed the Queen,
 you just knew you were in for a very special time ahead.!

Offline Rod

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #13 on: Oct 13, 2011, 07:45 PM »
Ours was on the whistle platrorm. But yours looked better.

Offline Captain Martini

Re: Foredeck Layout
« Reply #14 on: Nov 29, 2015, 03:30 PM »
Does anyone know what happened to the original tall bowmast on the foredeck?

Earliest photos of QE2 in 1969 show a tall, slender mast set back from the fo'c'stle and jackstaff (see attached). Considering its exposure, I would be surprised if it survived very long but if it was removed, when (and what circumstances) did it go?

I'm not sure of this was a collapsable or folding mast but at some point after 1969, it seems to have vanished. Its place was later occupied by a shorter, tripod mast that carried the forward whistle or foghorn. But I don't know when the tripod mast was erected. The earliest photo I have found to show this is also attached. The date of this photo is unclear but from the QM/QE suites and the colours of the funnel and lifeboat tops, it was after 1977 (but not during the blue boot-topping period of 1979-80). This tripod mast (or one like it) appeared again after the Falklands refit and was there until "the end".  Meanwhile, I'd appreciate some help in getting the detail right!

My driving reason for wanting to find out about the foredeck layout is that I am trying to finish a Revell 1:450 scale model of QE2 and the superstructure depicted in that model date between 1972-1977. I'll be posting some pictures of the progress on that model in due course.
Mark Cornford (aka Captain Martini)