What annoys me about cruising..............
(1) Parents not keeping an eye or any control of their kids - especially in areas where there may be hot food and drink - but they would be the first to sue if the worst happened.
(2) Guests not adhering to the dress code - its not there for fun and its all part of it for us - thats why we booked with Cunard. Go Ocean Village or similar if thats you're thing - theres nothing wrong with not wanting a dress code just dont go on a vessel or with a shipping line who have one!!
(3) Arrogant guests who think that the world / ship revolves around them and consequently ruining it for the decent honest amongst us due to their lack of manners. My wife is a small women and the number of times shes been barged out of the way by others is beyond belief.
(4) The "hard sell". We love QM2 but our 10 day Carribean Cruise in 2008 was rather dominated (in parts) by some on board "expert" who advised us all where to spend our money ie where she was getting the most commission.
(5) Being looked down upon by people who think that because they've cruised umpteen times they have a right to impose their opinions on everyone at every moment. We had a guy at our table on the Westbound leg of our QM2 TA last year who insisted on telling everyone how QM2 wasnt worth the money versus QE2 and how we were all basically cheap pretenders as we hadnt sailed on QE2 bla bla bla bla and how he had the ear of the Commodore bla bla bla. OK you're entitled to your opinion and by all means air it but not
every evening
all evening. Thankfully this chap had friends boarding in NY and he moved tables. We would have moved but for the fact we liked all the others at our table!! Chat in the Chart Room Bar afterwards was always interesting!!!
Apart from that nothing!!!