It was May, 1969 and at the ripe old age of 15, I was onboard the tug, ESSO MASSACHUSETTS, in Lower NY Bay. We, along with a large fleet of other welcoming craft, awaited a new Queen; QE2. And then, she appeared, small at first, way out Ambrose Channel, in the light mist. She grew in size as she slowly drew ever closer. Then, first with one welcoming whistle blast, the entire fleet opened up their horns and whistles all at once, saluting the newest Cunard Queen. Defending and enthralling, all at once and the Queen answered, with her own deep air whistles, over and over. She had arrived in her second home.
A month later, I had the distinct pleasure to sail her both east and westbound, to/from Southampton on the "old, traditional route." On that trip, she called at in Ireland and outbound from there, we passed right by the LUSITANIA's resting place.
Then again, in December of '69, we again sailed her, on her first Xmas/New Years holiday cruise to the Carib. I went on to sail her numerous times in later years, but that first year saw her in her purest and maiden form. New, shiny and impressive. For a child, it all further set me on a course towards a lifelong maritime career.