
Choose your five favourite photos

Sail Away from New York May 4 1987 QE2 “ Maiden Voyage"
8 (9.2%)
QE2 Southern California 1983
4 (4.6%)
QE2 in Black and White
4 (4.6%)
QE2 Leaving Honolulu
0 (0%)
QE2 Steams around Diamond Head Honolulu En Route to Japan
2 (2.3%)
QE2 Enhancing the Scenery at Geirangerfjord
3 (3.4%)
QE2 Reflections
7 (8%)
QE2 Transits Geirangerfjord 1980
3 (3.4%)
QE2's First Transit of the Suez Canal
0 (0%)
QE2 Sails through the Lock Gates 1979 or 1980
0 (0%)
QE2 Panama Canal
4 (4.6%)
QE2 Sailing from New York
7 (8%)
QE2 Sunset at the Verrazano Narrows Bridge 1989
8 (9.2%)
QE2 at Speed
7 (8%)
QE2 Suez Canal 1980 World Cruise
1 (1.1%)
QE2 Panama Canal 1979
2 (2.3%)
Beauty at Sea
5 (5.7%)
QE2 Sailing to Sydney
3 (3.4%)
Sydney Welcomes QE2
3 (3.4%)
QE2 1991 World Cruise Australia
0 (0%)
Icons QE2, Sydney Bridge and Opera House
3 (3.4%)
QE2 Sydney Harbour Welcome
6 (6.9%)
QE2 1991 Sailing into Sydney
2 (2.3%)
QE2 Phuket ( Patong Bay ) Thailand 1989 World Cruise
0 (0%)
1989 World Cruise Pattaya Thailand
5 (5.7%)

Total Members Voted: 20

Author Topic: Poll for January 2025:Tony Secker's Photos as QE2 Photographer 1970s 80s & 1991  (Read 546 times)

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Offline June Ingram

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  • Beautiful, elegant QE2 - forever Queen of the Seas
The theme for the January 2025 Competition is "Tony Secker's Photos as QE2 Photographer (1970s 1980s & 1991)". This competition features some of the photos taken by Tony and shared with us.

Please vote for your five favourite photos. As this is a special competition with such a powerful selection of photos, we felt that voting for just three would not be enough! This is the third monthly competition of the 2026 calendar year, with winning and runner-up photos going towards the 2026 QE2 Story Calendar.

Voting is easy, but you need to be registered as a Forum member and log into the Forum to vote.  Please choose your five favourites, noting the details, then tick the relevant boxes on the poll.

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To make it easier for you, we have posted the pictures below.

However, you might like to turn to the Gallery Album, "Tony Secker's Photos as QE2 Photographer (1970s and 1980s)", where you can see them all at once, in thumbnail form. Plus you can view larger versions of the pictures by clicking on the photos to see them in medium size, and clicking once more for large size.


You will not see the results of the vote until the poll closes on 1 February 2025, after all time zones have had a chance to catch up with the voting deadline.

Enjoy the great variety of the photos. Choose your five favourites, and let's aim for a record number of voters for this month's competition. Thanks in advance for voting and supporting the competition.
« Last Edit: Feb 03, 2025, 07:41 PM by Isabelle Prondzynski »
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline June Ingram

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  • Beautiful, elegant QE2 - forever Queen of the Seas
Sail Away from New York May 4 1987 QE2 “ Maiden Voyage"

QE2 Southern California 1983

QE2 in Black and White

QE2 Leaving Honolulu

QE2 Steams around Diamond Head Honolulu En Route to Japan

QE2 Enhancing the Scenery at Geirangerfjord

QE2 Reflections

QE2 Transits Geirangerfjord 1980

QE2's First Transit of the Suez Canal

QE2 Sails through the Lock Gates 1979 or 1980

QE2 Panama Canal

QE2 Sailing from New York

QE2 Sunset at the Verrazano Narrows Bridge 1989

QE2 at Speed

QE2 Suez Canal 1980 World Cruise

QE2 Panama Canal 1979

Beauty at Sea

QE2 Sailing to Sydney

Sydney Welcomes QE2

QE2 1991 World Cruise Australia

Icons QE2, Sydney Bridge and Opera House

QE2 Sydney Harbour Welcome

QE2 1991 Sailing into Sydney

QE2 Phuket ( Patong Bay ) Thailand 1989 World Cruise

1989 World Cruise Pattaya Thailand

« Last Edit: Dec 31, 2024, 03:34 PM by Lynda Bradford »
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Welcome to one of the best photo competition we have run so far!

Here are 25 photos from the Tony Secker collection, which you can vote on :) . Please enjoy these beautiful photos of QE2 at great moments of her career and in extraordinary locations. Tony had the privilege of being able to take photos of QE2 from the air, showing her at speed and doing what she was best that. Enjoy her fabulous shape and the memories of these world cruises.

Offline pete cain

for once I thought that I would get in early & vote  , impossible to do with these fine quality one off photos,  this will take time methinks

Online Peter Mugridge

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  • At Mach 2 three days after being on QE2...
Voted, after as usual being turned into a gibbering wreck at having to choose only five out all those, each of which should win in themselves...

Incidentally... "QE2 Sails through the Lock Gates 1979 or 1980" I think is 1979; the crew on the bow appear to be the same people in the same order as in the other picture six images lower "QE2 Panama Canal 1979".  Additionally, from looking closely at the degree of movement of the lock gates, I think that second picture was taken mere seconds after the first.
"It is a capital mistake to allow any mechanical object to realise that you are in a hurry!"

Offline Lynda Bradford

Thanks Peter and Pete, I can understand your dilemma trying to choose just five favourites.  You can imagine how we felt trying to choose only 25 to include in the poll.... not easy!

Thanks Peter for your observation on the Panama Canal photos.  Tony Secker will hopefully be posting on the forum this month, I am sure he will be interested in your comment. 
I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank

Offline Lynda Bradford

Five people have voted so far - difficult decision to choose only five favourites but an enjoyable task!
I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank

Offline cunardqueen

The very first photo l recall seeing as we sailed away from NY after "that" voyage   a helicopter buzzing around, we were sailing away with Malcolm Forbes yacht the Highlander,. It was in every way a special voyage, my third voyage and my second sailiaway from NY .

How lovely to see such amazing photos from angles we as passengers could only ever dream of. Are we to assume Tony was a freelance photogorpher or one employed by Cunard with the directive, heres a fistful of money get some nice ariel views.

Hopefully Tony will be able to share with us his experience of taking photos from the air, and who knows imagine if these could be turned out into a calendar, Ok who needs another QE2 calendar , but why not run the calendar from half way through the year  rathe than Jan to Dec ...

Anyway good luck on the voting   

There do appear to be some photos which have appeared in publications or even on sale at the photographers shop onboard. Anyone agree with me on that ?       

You can imagine how we felt trying to choose only 25 to include in the poll.... not easy!

Dare we ask just how many you had to choose from
From the moment you first glimpsed the Queen,
 you just knew you were in for a very special time ahead.!

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Dare we ask just how many you had to choose from

They have all appeared, a small group at a time, in the special topic that Lynda devoted to them. We hope that Tony will be able to join us here when he is available, to tell us more about how he took the photos (especially those from the air) and about his period as the QE2 photographer.


Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

6 voters so far, and no photos taking the lead. Almost all of them have some votes by now, but of course we need far more voters to join in the appreciation and the enjoyment!

If you have always voted, thank you and please continue :) .

If you have never voted, this is a good moment to start. Have a look at the guidelines in the first post above, and give it a go! It is easy, and it is fun.


Online Peter Mugridge

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  • At Mach 2 three days after being on QE2...
The very first photo l recall seeing as we sailed away from NY after "that" voyage   a helicopter buzzing around

I have a strong suspicion the said helicopter was involved in taking the photos... now... I wonder... does anyone have a photo of the helicopter taken from on board QE2 at a time and place when any of the images of QE2 from the air that we have seen so far were taken...?

There would be a nice symmetry to that...  :)
"It is a capital mistake to allow any mechanical object to realise that you are in a hurry!"

Offline cunardqueen

This might be the closest l have. otherwise, it means digging out photo albums   
From the moment you first glimpsed the Queen,
 you just knew you were in for a very special time ahead.!

Offline pete cain

that was the hardest ever

Offline June Ingram

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Just voted ! What a hard job, but it was a very enjoyable job !
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline cunardqueen

I can only assume this was also part of the photos taken from the copter that day. May 4th 1987 The homeward crossing 
From the moment you first glimpsed the Queen,
 you just knew you were in for a very special time ahead.!