Author Topic: P&O and Cunard prepare to fire and rehire more than 900 UK staff  (Read 620 times)

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Passionate about QE2's service life for 40 years and creator of this website.  I have worked in IT for 28 years and created my personal QE2 website in 1994.

Online Lynda Bradford

BBC Business News have also reported quoting both Union and Carnival statements on proposed changes to terms and conditions.
I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank

Online Peter Mugridge

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  • At Mach 2 three days after being on QE2...
The irony, after P&O went to such great lengths last year to distance themselves from P&O Ferries when that lot did the exact same thing...
"It is a capital mistake to allow any mechanical object to realise that you are in a hurry!"

Offline QE2forever

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Strong denial from Cunard/P&O: “You may have seen factually inaccurate and misleading media reports today which are causing us significant reputational harm”:

Online cunardqueen

Strong denial from Cunard/P&O: “You may have seen factually inaccurate and misleading media reports today which are causing us significant reputational harm”:   

Didnt Captain Smith say "All that can be done will be done" but the ship still sank anyway
And cast our minds back to when QE2 had her reengineering in 86/87 . and some of the crew were re-employed under different contracts/ cheaper wages and more recently when the ships were all reflagged under Bermuda, under the guise of being able to perform Weddings at sea.
« Last Edit: Nov 25, 2023, 09:08 PM by cunardqueen »
From the moment you first glimpsed the Queen,
 you just knew you were in for a very special time ahead.!