Author Topic: Paradise Beach Hotel Barbados  (Read 1266 times)

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Online Chris Thompson

Paradise Beach Hotel Barbados
« on: Nov 19, 2023, 03:29 PM »
Just visited Barbados on our recent cruise and the snorkeling excursion took us to Paradise Beach.
Very sad to see the old hotel has been demolished, I’m sure old crew members have many great memories of that place. I was often told about Christmas Day lunch on the beach.

Offline Twynkle

Re: Paradise Beach Hotel Barbados
« Reply #1 on: Dec 31, 2023, 12:32 PM »
Just visited Barbados on our recent cruise and the snorkeling excursion took us to Paradise Beach.
Very sad to see the old hotel has been demolished, I’m sure old crew members have many great memories of that place. I was often told about Christmas Day lunch on the beach.

Hi Chris
Just whispering - the place that I understand the Crew visit now begins with B and ends with D, and has a Y in the middle!
Please do send a p.m if you'd like more info ;)

Online Chris Thompson

Re: Paradise Beach Hotel Barbados
« Reply #2 on: Dec 31, 2023, 01:24 PM »
the place that I understand the Crew visit now begins with B and ends with D, and has a Y in the middle!

As in 'The Boatyard'? Yep used to be our favourite when I was working on my first ship Ocean Princess in 1987, we were based in Barbados for several months and that bar was our regular watering hole! ;D
As a matter of fact I was on a cruise down there in November and got to the bar around 6 for a nostalgic drink....
Unfortunately a massive P&O ship full of Brits had drunk the place dry and it was closed ;D

Offline Rod

Re: Paradise Beach Hotel Barbados
« Reply #3 on: Dec 31, 2023, 02:42 PM »
35 years ago I spent my honeymoon at the hotel.
Deb won the airline tickets at the annual Cunard  company picnic, and Debs boss got her the hotel stay free from the GM.
The NY office staff had arranged for a VIP guest basket to be put in the room for our arrival.
When we got there we yhad been upgraded to one of the chalets on the hill. Porter in a golf cart takes us up there and tells us to just call the FD when we wanted to go anywhere. He meant it. He told us off when he caught us walking to the beach!
 The following day,  Deb was sunbathing and I was having a beer at the swim up pool, when Judith Chalmers comes into the bar and asks if she can ask me a few questions. She was taping an episode of that tv travel programme she did. Very nice klady BTW.
She talked to me for about 20 minutes and Deb for 10, we didn't let on we were Cunard staff. There was this guy in a suit on the "dry side" of the bar who was watching and listening very closely.
Anyway, i wanted to settle up at the bar about an hour later and the bartender tells me that it has all been taken care the "suit" at the bar. He had listened to my chat with Chalmers and decided to  say thank you. Turns out he was the GM. Later on he introduced himself to us.
Everything after that was free. EVERYTHING!!! meals as well.
Even without that it was a lovely, well looked after hotel. GM didn't last too long after that I"m told. We did take him out to dinner to a local dive we knew and he had a blast. Sorry, neither Deb nor I can remember his name!