Hi Jim Miller
Its Kevin Jackson. I worked with Richard Carter the First Larder Cook in the Queens Grill Kitchen from July 26th 1986 to October 26th 1986.
I can remember you working in the TOW kitchen John Sutherland was the head Chef at the time and I think you worked with Bernard Gibbs for a while.
I was a Student Cook in the TOW kitchen on U deck forward then moved to B deck midships with Richard Carter in the Queens Grill kitchen.
I have recently signed up to the QE2 story and have uploaded 2 pictures of me the first day I started.

July 26 1984 Boarding QE2 for first time
Kevin Jackson student cook
Working on the QE2 was the best years of my life and I have never forgoten all the staff I worked with sadly though some have passed away.
It concerns me about the QE2 in Dubai, I hope very much the ship is ok and it becomes a success out there and never scrapped. The QE2 deserves the very best in its retirement.
Regards to you Jim
I was pantryman in Queens Grill when Richard was there ,The Fecky was Tom, he was an Arsernal Supporter big guy and a Nice Guy,I put his AFC MUG in a Container and froze it over night,then turned it out while he was on a break,He went ape,yes they were the good days,and now P&O have once again done the same