Author Topic: Jim Miller, QE2 First Larder Cook T.O.W. 1980-1986 and crew memories  (Read 6920 times)

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Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

Steve was also my uncle, my Dad said he was a pro when it came to his skills. If anyone has any stories feel free to share

Welcome to the QE2 Story Forum, Steve! I hope you will get to read many memories of your uncle here. Do you have any memories yourself, that you would like to share with us? What did your dad remember about his cuisine skills?

Offline Vincent Scriven

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Hi Jim Miller
Its Kevin Jackson.  I worked with Richard Carter the First Larder Cook in the Queens Grill Kitchen from July 26th 1986 to October 26th 1986.
I can remember you working in the TOW kitchen John Sutherland was the head Chef at the time and I think you worked with Bernard Gibbs for a while.
I was a Student Cook in the TOW kitchen on U deck forward then moved to B deck midships with Richard Carter in the Queens Grill  kitchen.

I have recently signed up to the QE2 story and have uploaded 2 pictures of me the first day I started.

July 26 1984 Boarding QE2 for first time
Kevin Jackson student cook

Working on the QE2 was the best years of my life and I have never forgoten all the staff I worked with sadly though some have passed away.

It concerns me about the QE2 in Dubai, I hope very much the ship is ok and it becomes a success out there and never scrapped. The QE2 deserves the very best in its retirement.

Regards to you Jim


I was pantryman in Queens Grill when Richard was there ,The Fecky was Tom, he was an Arsernal Supporter big guy and a Nice Guy,I put his AFC MUG in a Container and froze it over night,then turned it out while he was on a break,He went ape,yes they were the good days,and now P&O have once again  done the same
« Last Edit: Mar 26, 2022, 09:23 AM by Lynda Bradford »