Author Topic: Crash with pier at Cherbourg (27/10/1974) & dry dock in Rotterdam  (Read 16977 times)

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Offline June Ingram

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Hi Rod - Thanks very much for posting the picture !  Incredible !!  June
QE2 - the ship for all of time, a ship of timeless beauty !

Offline Rod

Another pic

Offline Bob C.

Ouch!  Too big for a bandaid...

Offline Boris

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Re: crash with pier at Cherbourgh & Dry dock in Rotterdam
« Reply #18 on: Aug 14, 2015, 02:38 AM »
...  one of the ships ropes broke and unfortunately cut off one of the dockers legs.

That's correct, the line parted and one of the linesmen lost his legs. But we were also told another was decapitated by the whiplash.  :(
« Last Edit: Aug 29, 2015, 08:02 PM by Boris »

Offline Boris

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I was Night Boss during this incident. I was in the Cinema prior to commencing work and felt a slight jolt ... barely perceptible. But it's strange how you pick up on any change to normal ship sounds, vibration and general rhythm. I left the Cinema and contacted the switchboard who advised me of the flood in the crew accommodation aft. I immediately headed there and recall that the Crew Accommodation Officer (Paul Stevens??) was dashing around with several Glory Hole Stewards trying to stem the flow of water cascading down the stairwells and the alleyways - using blankets, towels, pillows and anything they could lay their hands on (the water was gushing out of the severed pipes, not seawater - though, unfortunately some of it was raw sewage). Eventually the Engineers isolated the damaged pipes and then the clean up started; using members of the Day Gang and, after 2100, the Night Gang.
« Last Edit: Aug 16, 2015, 02:29 PM by Boris »

Offline Boris

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My memory is notoriously bad, but in reference to this topic title, although I can recall a refit in Rotterdam around this era, I have to be convinced it took place immediately following 'The Cherbourg Incident'. In fact, if push came to shove, I have a feeling the repairs took place in Southampton Dry Dock.

Happy to be shot down on this.

Offline Lynda Bradford

Information on repair courtesy of information given to me by Michael Gallagher for research on QE2 changes. 

When leaving Cherbourg on 27 October 1974 QE2 was caught by a violent gust of wind and hit a pier and was holed on her starboard side. A 30-foot gash was created and the liner returned back to port for an examination of the damage by marine surveyors.

QE2’s subsequent departure from Cherbourg to New York was delayed 48 hours.

Permanent repairs took place during the annual refit at Schiedam Rotterdam between  3 – 21 December 1974. 

After QE2 had struck the quay in Cherbourg on 27 October temporary repairs to the gash in the ship’s side had been made by the French navy. Now, permanent repairs were undertaken and further shell dents found below the waterline that had been discovered in Rotterdam were repaired and crew and passenger cabins damaged in the collision received attention.

I was proud to be involved with planning QE2's 50 year conference in September 2017 in Clydebank

Offline Boris

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Information on repair courtesy of information given to me by Michael Gallagher for research on QE2 changes. 

Permanent repairs took place during the annual refit at Schiedam Rotterdam between  3 – 21 December 1974. 

Many thanks Lynda for clarifying.

Certainly recall the Schiedam refit with fond memories. Billeted in a decent hotel in town, civilised working hours - and we even got packed lunches provided daily by the hotel - leading to the famous "Lunchpack of Rotterdam" incident.  :D

Offline Isabelle Prondzynski

- leading to the famous "Lunchpack of Rotterdam" incident.  :D

You know how to keep a reader on tenterhooks, Boris!

Offline Rod

Would RHO Davies name come up here Boris?

Offline Boris

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- leading to the famous "Lunchpack of Rotterdam" incident.  :D

It had its sorry beginnings when we ended up a packed lunch short one day; causing much angst for the last person to arrive, who missed out. Somebody (Alan Dutton?) dubbed it the 'Lunchpack of Rotterdam' incident, which immediately evolved into numerous Lon Chaney impersonations by all and sundry. (Well, it was funny to begin with, but palled after it had been reprised a number of times by Robin Davies over the subsequent days as the lunches were distributed - and indeed for many years afterwards, as the episode was recounted over a beer in the Wardie).

The other catch phrase, gadanga-danga, was coined by Steve Herra. When crossing any of the major thoroughfares in Rotterdam, one had to negotiate, firstly a dedicated bike lane, then the tram tracks, followed by the busy road; again crossing tram tracks in the opposite direction and another bicycle path, before reaching the safety of the footpath on the other side. As typical seafarers we would launch ourselves across the various lanes oblivious to the traffic and disdainful of pedestrian crossings which were favoured by the timid shoresiders. In describing this daunting feat, Steve provided the progressive sound effects of our crossing emanating from the outraged vehicles: ding-a-ling-a-ling; gadanga-danga-danga; beep, beep; beep, beep; gadanga-danga-danga; ding-a-ling-a-ling.

Well, it was hilariously funny at the time, but I guess you had to be there. I think it was first recounted the night we spent in a local hostelry where they had a competition to pour the perfect pils from the tap - a difficult task given the frothiness of the local brew. Several purserettes entered the competition and I think at least one received an honourable mention. A good night was had by all, but with one slightly embarrassing episode. A member of the QE2 group, carried away with the frivolity of the evening, rang the ship's bell hanging at the bar. Immediately a silence fell over the pub. Little did he realise the Dutch custom -  it was a signal you were buying a round for all in the bar (about 50 people at that time). The tradition of 'ringing the bell' was explained by the landlord, and our shipmate was excused the penalty, given he was an ignorant Englander; though there were mutterings and scowls directed at our group by the locals. Yet again 'Jolly Jack ashore' let the side down as an emissary of England. But I know it was not the first time in the history of seafaring, and I'm sure not the last.

Anyway, it was a refit with very fond memories.
« Last Edit: Aug 31, 2015, 12:02 PM by Boris »

Offline Graeme Walker

I remember the incident in the hostelry that Boris was recalling well.  However that is not why I am replying.  After sorting out my attic I have come across some old photos and would like to share these with you of the incident in Cherbourg.  After the French patched us up and we sailed to New York, I thought we went to the Dry Dock at Newport News for repairs, or was that for another hole that we managed to acquire on our travels ?


Offline Boris

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I thought we went to the Dry Dock at Newport News for repairs, or was that for another hole that we managed to acquire on our travels ?

No Graeme, Newport News was after a certain Captain (who shall remain nameless) decided to bulldoze his way through a totally innocent reef off Nassau, which hadn't done anything to offend anyone.

Offline Rod

The reef moved...remember?

Offline Twynkle

Hi Guys - Curiosity is getting the better of some of your 'Viewers' - Please Tell All!
Hi Rod, good to see you -
What else 'moved' during your 'stay of tenure?
« Last Edit: Apr 17, 2016, 05:03 PM by Twynkle »