Last additions - Manoel

Bay of Biscaye, august 200832 viewsInner swimming pool_2ManoelJul 13, 2020

Bay of Biscaye, august 200842 viewsInner swimming pool_1ManoelJul 13, 2020

Bay of Biscaye, august 200825 viewsOuter swimming pool_3ManoelJul 13, 2020

Bay of Biscaye, august 200828 viewsOuter swimming pool_2ManoelJul 13, 2020

QE2 Mast 25.08.2008_245 viewsQE2 Mast 25.08.2008_2ManoelFeb 28, 2017

QE2 Mast 25.08.2008_169 viewsQE2 Mast 25.08.2008ManoelFeb 28, 2017

QE2 Mast 25 8 2008_3 108 viewsManoelFeb 28, 2017

Music and Danse on QE226 viewsManoelMar 08, 2016

Classic Music at Theater32 viewsManoelMar 08, 2016

Music by Patrick J. Patton at Crystal bar before lunch22 viewsManoelMar 08, 2016

Breakfast in Mauretania Dining Room, 08.200845 viewsManoelJan 29, 2016

Caronia Dining Room, 08.200894 viewsManoelJan 29, 2016

Mauretania Dining Room, 08.200865 viewsManoelJan 29, 2016

95 viewsAugust 2008, QE2 Lifeboat (1)ManoelOct 26, 2014

August 2008, QE2 Lifeboat (2)95 viewsManoelOct 26, 2014

QE2 calling at Le Verdon, 25.08.2008103 viewsManoelJul 31, 2014

Sailing in Solent, 22.08.2008_357 viewsManoelJul 31, 2014

QE2 calling at Le Verdon, 25.08.200883 viewsManoelJul 31, 2014

QE2 calling at Le Verdon with a few patches on show75 viewsQE2 calling at Le Verdon, 25.08.2008ManoelJul 31, 2014

Sailing in Solent, 22.08.2008_248 viewsManoelJul 31, 2014

Sailing in Solent, 22.08.2008_154 viewsManoelJul 31, 2014

Bay of Biscay, 23.08.2008 (1)73 viewsManoelDec 08, 2013

Bay of Biscay, 23.08.2008 (2)58 viewsManoelDec 08, 2013

Bay of Biscay, early morning, 23.08.200841 viewsManoelDec 08, 2013

Bilbao 2408200873 viewsManoelSep 30, 2013

Le Verdon (2) 2508200841 viewsManoelSep 30, 2013

Le Verdon_2508200840 viewsManoelSep 30, 2013

Chefs Sparkle59 viewsManoelMay 29, 2013

Baked Alaska Parade 25.08.200855 viewsManoelMay 29, 2013

Senior officers at party, august 2008109 viewsManoelNov 28, 2012

After party, august 2008137 viewsManoelNov 28, 2012

Party at Queen's room, august 200891 viewsManoelNov 28, 2012

Grand Lounge at night175 viewsAugust 2008, Bay of BiscayeManoelOct 30, 2012

Yacht Club at night145 viewsAugust 2008, Bay of BiscayeManoelOct 30, 2012

Queen's Room at night88 viewsAugust 2008, Bay of BiscayeManoelOct 30, 2012

Boat Deck at night111 viewsManoelOct 30, 2012

2008 August, Guernesey, St Peter122 viewsRendez-vous with a QueenManoelSep 25, 2012

2008 August, Bay of Biscay103 viewsQE2 at sea on early morningManoelSep 25, 2012

2008 August, Bay of Biscay138 viewsQE2 sailing on a smooth seaManoelSep 25, 2012

86 viewsQE2's LifeBoat, Gulf of Biscaye, August 23th 2008ManoelMar 27, 2012

View of Boat Deck57 viewsGulf of Biscaye, August 23th, 2008ManoelMar 25, 2012

Morning walk on QE2 Boat Deck83 viewsGulf of Biscaye, August 23th 2008ManoelMar 25, 2012

Doctor's Surgery Waiting Room278 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011

QE2, August 2008, gift from Japan115 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011

Bridge of QE2 at Le Verdon, 2008 August 25151 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011

August 2008, Mauretania Restaurant345 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011

Manoel - 3: 2008 August 23, Sailing on QE296 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011

Manoel - 2: 2008 August 23, Boat Deck120 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011

2008 August 22, departure from Southampton94 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011

2008 August 23, sailing to Bilbao101 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011

Manoel - 1: 2008 August 23, sailing to Bilbao106 viewsManoelJul 27, 2011